«Dragon's Dower» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Catherine Archer на MyBook.ru
Dragon's Dower

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Dragon's Dower

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2018 год


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Simon Warleigh and his brothers-in-arms had sworn to avenge the murder of their beloved foster father, the Dragon. But upon Simon's return from the Holy Land, the brave knight was falsely accused of treason and stripped of his lands.His only chance to recover his beloved Avington was to marry the daughter of the very man he had vowed to bring to justice!Simon was quickly wed to the beautiful Lady Isabelle, with her mesmerizing violet eyes and a demeanor as cold as the chapel statues. Yet there were glimpses of the fire burning beneath Isabelle's cool exterior. And soon thoughts of revenge turned to thoughts of love as Simon yearned to melt the ice maiden into a woman of flesh and blood.

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