«The Gladiator» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Carla Capshaw на MyBook.ru
The Gladiator

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The Gladiator

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2018 год


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О книге

Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesHe won his fame– his freedom–in the gory pits of Rome's Colosseum.Yet the greatest challenge for once-legendary gladiator Caros Viriathos comes to him through a slave. His slave, the beautiful mysterious Pelonia Valeria. Her secret brings danger to his household but offers Caros a love like he's never known. . . .Should anyone learn she is a Christian, Pelonia will be executed. Her faith threatens not only herself, but her master. Can she convince a man who found fame through unforgiving brutality to show mercy? when she's ultimately given the choice, will Pelonia choose freedom or the love of a gladiator?

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