«Caden's Vow» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Sarah McCarty на MyBook.ru
Caden's Vow

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Caden's Vow

289 печатных страниц

Время чтения ≈ 8ч

2019 год


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О книге

His past has haunted him for a lifetime…but one woman could be his salvationGunslinger Caden Miller's compadres are becoming a bit too domesticated for his liking. So he’s off to Kansas territory to carve out a living and a space of his own—alone, just the way he likes it. Maddie O'Hare has been drawn to Caden ever since she escaped to the Hell's Eight compound from the brothel where she was born and raised. And she’s not ready to let him go so easily…until she’s captured by his new neighbors.When Caden discovers that Maddie is being held against her will on a nearby ranch, he demands they release his fiancée. As surprised as Caden is by his own lie, Maddie's grateful kiss holds a fiery promise that’s far more unexpected. But with old enemies catching up with him, Caden and Maddie will face a danger that tests their passion—and will either bind them together forever or break them apart for good.

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Подробная информация
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
11 января 2019
Время на чтение: 
8 ч.