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Carb Curfew: Cut the Carbs after 5pm and Lose Fat Fast!

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Carb Curfew: Cut the Carbs after 5pm and Lose Fat Fast!

0 печатных страниц

2018 год


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Joanna Hall, the popular diet and fitness presenter for ITV’s This Morning show, reveals her simple 5 step fat loss plan. The golden rule is ‘no carbs after 5pm’ – and with Joanna Hall’s help the rest is easy!Joanna Hall introduces her simple ‘Carb Curfew’ plan- no carbs after 5pm- to help you lose weight.Joanna’s weight-loss plan consists of just 5 simple steps, making this fitness regime easy to remember, understand and follow.Includes 40 new Carb Curfew recipes to make the plan easy to stick to.The book includes tips, case studies and useful snack ideas, making it simple to incorporate this new way of eating into everyday life.This book is ideal for people who find the pure protein diets hard to stick to, offering a useful compromise that is more healthy and easier to fit into your life.

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