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A Girl Like You

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A Girl Like You

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2019 год


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I've discovered the secret to successful singledom. I'm acting like a man. And it's working."I've discovered the secret to successful singledom. I'm acting like a man. And it's working.After breaking up with her boyfriend of, well, forever, Abigail Wood must learn how to be single from scratch. Her dating skills are abysmal, and she ricochets from disaster to disaster – until Robert, one of London's most notorious lotharios, agrees to coach her.With his advice, she learns to navigate the bastard-infested waters of the bar scene and practices the art of being bulletproof. The new Abigail is cocky, calm, composed…but what happens when she meets her match?A Girl Like You is the second book from Gemma Burgess. Her first book, The Dating Detox, was published in 2010 to rave reviews: «Laugh out loud funny» Closer magazine. «Smart, plotty and funny… Buy it, read it, love it.» The Irish Herald. «For those waiting to option the next Bridget Jones, Gemma Burgess answers back.» VF Daily, www.vanityfair.com.

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