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No Other Love

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No Other Love

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2018 год


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О книге

Urgently on her way to the earl of Exmoor's estate, Nicola Falcourt's carriage is waylaid by a notorious highwayman known as The Gentleman. But there is nothing gentlemanly about the masked bandit's breathless kiss.The stranger believes Nicola is the wife of Richard Montford, earl of Exmoor, whom he despises and is intent on destroying. But he could not be more mistaken, for Nicola bears no love for the cruel earl who'd killed the only man she'd ever loved.Determined to uncover the rogue's real identity and his reasons for bringing down the earl, Nicola gets perilously close to him. But to save those she loves, she'll have to put all her trust in a man as dangerous as he is desirable.

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