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The Simply Scandalous Princess

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The Simply Scandalous Princess

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2019 год


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Princess Receives Royal Treatment From King's AdviserSources reveal that General Montcalm has been issued a royal directive: determine if youngest princess Lucia Carradigne is fit to be queen of Korosol. But this assignment may prove more risky to the general than taking a bullet for his king. Seems as if the beautiful princess is testing his resolve–against seduction. And what normal man wouldn't want to fail such a test with the tempting, much younger woman? Still, accounts of the military hero indicate he would never woo the king's granddaughter from the throne to satisfy his own desires. Then again–has his «investigation» wobbled off course? In this quest for a queen, perhaps he'll win a wife!Get all the facts inside…as a search for an heir to the throne leads to scandals of royal proportions for the Carradigne: American Royalty

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