«No Way Out» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора David Kessler на MyBook.ru
No Way Out

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No Way Out

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2019 год


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О книге

When TV talkshow host Elias Claymore is accused of raping a 19-year-old girl he turns to his friend Alex Sadaka to defend him.But Alex has a fight on his hands, for Claymore – a former Black Power activist – is anything but squeaky clean and this time even the DNA evidence is stacked against him.Forced to share the defence with a lawyer from Claymore’s insurance firm, Alex must battle his way through jury tampering, conflicts of interest and vicious hate mail to uncover the truth.With Claymore a vulnerable target in prison and the prosecution scenting blood, Alex knows that time is running out. Could it be that this time there is No Way Out?Prepare to lose sleep with this breakneck thriller for fans of John Grisham and Jeff Abbott.

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