«With Courage And Commitment» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Charlotte Maclay на MyBook.ru
With Courage And Commitment

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With Courage And Commitment

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2019 год


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FIREMAN REPORTName: Danny SullivanStatus: Playing Sir Galahad to the Firechiefs Pregnant DaughterSaving the innocent was all in a day's work for Danny Sullivan. But the macho firefighter knew he'd never live down the time he rescued a hamster from a preschool fire! Still, his act of «bravery» sparked a sizzling attraction with teacher Stephanie Gray, who had blossomed from the pesky kid down the street to an ultradesirable woman. Sure, the jilted mom-to-be deserved a commitment kind of guy, but just because she inspired Danny to slay dragons on her behalf didn't mean he was the man for her. However, if anyone could transform this die-hard bachelor, it just might be this woman….Men of Station Six: The courage to face danger was in their blood…love for their women ignited their souls.

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