«Green Beans and Summer Dreams» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Catherine Ferguson на MyBook.ru
Green Beans and Summer Dreams

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Green Beans and Summer Dreams

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2018 год


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О книге

**The fabulous novel from ebook bestseller, Catherine Ferguson. As fresh and bubbly as a pint of homemade lemonade on a hot day, this is the only book you need this summer!**When Izzy Fraser’s long-term boyfriend walks out on her, she’s left in a bit of a pickle. Yes, she has the house of her dreams, but she now has a crippling mortgage to pay on her own.So she takes matters into her own hands and, having always been a keen gardener, decides to set up Izzy’s Organics, delivering crates of fresh fruit and vegetables to local villagers.Along the way she meets all sorts of characters, including the very handsome Erik and the very Grumpy Dan. But can Izzy sort the wheat from the chaff? And will her new business sow the seeds of change that she wants?A funny, heartwarming tale, full of the joys of summer. Perfect for fans of Jenny Colgan and Lucy Diamond.

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