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Prendre les armes & le nom Britannique

Tiltre d'Anglican sera tard aduisé,

Surprins de nuict mener à l'air Gallique.

A kingdom divided by two quarrelling brothers

to take the arms and the name of Britain.

The English ruler will be warned late,

surprised by night (the other is), led to the French air.

James II (1633-1701) was the king of England, Ireland, Scotland from 1685 to 1688.

The 1 line – in 1685 Jacob suppressed the mutiny of his half-brother James Scott.

The 2 line – in 1688 his nephew and son-in-law William of Orange, the ruler of the Netherlands, at the invitation of the Whigs and Tories landed with the army in England and seized power. He began to rule under the name of William III.

The 3 and 4 lines are about James’ fleeing to France in December 1688, where his wife and son were sent earlier.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.22, 10.4, 10.26, 4.89.

Decoding of the number 8.58. If 8+1=9, flip 9 in 6, by swapping 58 in 85, we get 685 – the year of beginning reign.

Quatrain 10.4 Battle on the Boyne

Sus la minuict conducteur de l'armee

Se sauuera subit esuanouy,

Sept ans apres la fame non blasmee,

A son retour ne dira oncq ouy.

At midnight the leader of the army

Will save himself, suddenly vanished:

Seven years later his reputation unblemished,

To his return not once they will say yes.

This is a prophecy which came true about the failed attempt of deposed King James II to regain the crown of England. In 1690 James landed in Ireland, having gathered an army of untrained militia men. The battle took place on July 1, 1690 on the river Boyne and became the largest in the history of this country. A new and deposed kings personally commanded their armies. William III won. The Jacobites did not suffer any special losses and successfully retreated, but many soldiers deserted. Dublin was surrendered without a fight. The army of William of Orange triumphantly entered into it. So the Glorious revolution was finished.

The 2nd line. James II secretly left his army at night and went to France. There he lived until his death in 1701. His supporters, the Jacobites, were very disappointed by his unworthy act.The 4th line. Later he tried to regain the throne, but even Louis XIV, who adopted him, refused to support him.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.2, 8.58, 10.26, 4.89.

Decoding of the number 10.4. If 0 to put at end, 1+1=2 to consider as 2000, 2000-40=1960, 6 and 9 to swap, then we get 1690 – the year of battle.

Quatrain 10.100 The power of England

Le grand empire sera par Angleterre,

Le Pempotam des ans plus de trois cens:

Grandes copies passer par mer & terre,

Les Lusitains n'en seront pas contens.

The great empire will be for England,

The pempotam for more than three hundred years:

Great forces pass by sea and land,

The Lusitanians will not be content.

The power of the British Empire (1583-1914) was based on the colonial system, which began to be created in the 16th century. Back then Spain was the "Queen of the seas". In 1588 England became the leading naval empire after defeat of the "Spanish Armada" fleet. In the 17th century the first English settlements emerged in the West India and North America. The colonies in India were the most profitable. The American colonies were more oriented toward agriculture. Trading slaves from Africa brought a big profit. For this reason the British built several forts in the western Africa. At the end of the 17th century an independent state USA was formed which ceased to be an English colony. By that time James Cook discovered Australia and New Zealand and they became British colonies. Thus England had colonies on all inhabited continents. After World War I England annexed a significant part of the German colonies. By the beginning of the 20th century Great Britain was the largest colonial empire.

The 4 line. Lusitanians is the historical name of the nationalities living in the territory of modern Portugal and South-Western Spain. At the end of the 16th century the Spanish fleet was the most powerful. Spain received great wealth from its American colonies. Certainly the Spanish were not satisfied that England pushed them to the background and became the leading naval empire.

Linkage with other quatrains: 3.57.

Probable decoding of number 10.100. If 10 to consider as 1000, then 1000-100=900. 9 flip in 6, 1 is put at ahead we will get 1600 – the year of the formation of the British East Indian Company. It colonized India and other countries of the East.

Quatrain 3.57[1] 290 years of change Great Britain

Sept fois changer verrez gent Britannique

Taints en sang en deux cents nonante an:

France, non, point par appuy Germanique,

Ariez doubte son pole Bastarnan.

Seven times will you see the British nation change,

Stained with blood in 290 years:

France, no, at all its support Germanic.

Aries doubt his 'Bastarnian' pole.

The 1 line:

1) After the execution of Charles I in 1649, England became a republic headed by Cromwell and proclaimed an alliance with Scotland.

2) In 1660 England became a kingdom again, the Stuart dynasty was restored.

3) In 1776 the USA declared independence from Great Britain.

4) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland became a single state in 1801.

5) In 1901 the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty began to reign.

6) In 1922 the republic of Ireland proclaimed its independence and withdrew from the United Kingdom.

7) In 1947 Great Britain lost its colonies.

The changes presented here are only an assumption.

The 3 and 4 lines are about the 2nd World War since Mars is the God of War. This war was unleashed by Germany, having attacked Poland in 1939. If we subtract 290 from 1939 we will get 1649 – the year when the people of England executed their king. After the Second World War the disintegration of the colonial system began. In 1947 India and Pakistan gained independence. Having lost colonies, England lost its former power.

Decoding of the number 3.57. If 7 to consider as 700, then 700-53=647. 6 to flip in 9, 1 to put in front, then we get 1947 – year of the loss colonies.

Quatrain 6.20 New Leopard

L'vnion fainste sera peu de duree

Des vns changes reformez la pluspart:

Dans les vaisseaux sera gent enduree,

Lors aura Rome vn /un/ nouveau Liepart /Leopard/.

The holy union will not last long

Some will change, most will be reformed,

On ships, people are facing great trials,

Then Rome will have a new Leopard.

In September 1939, England declared war on Germany, who attacked Poland and sent her troops into France. But they were completely inactive despite the numerical advantage. Having conquered Poland, Hitler sent all his forces to France, and it quickly surrendered. Great Britain withdrew its troops. In September 1939 Germany began active operations at sea, sinking several of the military and transport ships of England. In 1940 the Nazis attacked Norway. The allied forces of England, Poland, France tried to help Norway, but were defeated, the union broke up. The USSR and Germany in 1939 signed the Nonaggression Pact, which was treacherously violated by Hitler. England needed an ally and it became the United States. In 1942, the USSR joined the union of England and the USA.

In the battle of Crete, the English fleet suffered heavy losses and retreated. Throughout the years of World War II there was a battle for the Atlantic between the British and Germany. Both sides lost a large amount of soda.

Leopards – the centuries-old symbol of England, are present on its coat of arms. Italy declared war on Great Britain 06/10/1940. Initially, it was conducted at sea and in

Africa. In the summer of 1943, Anglo-American troops captured Sicily, and a year later entered Rome.

Possible decoding of number 6.20. If you rearrange the numbers – 026, 2 to flip in 5 – 056, 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-56=944 – Anglo-American troops captured Rome.

Quatrain 10.42 Independence of USA

Le regne humain d'Angelique geniture,

Fera son regne paix vnion tenir,

Captiue guerre demy de sa closture,

Long temps la paix leur fera maintenir.

The humane realm of English offspring,

It will cause its realm to hold to peace and union:

War half-captive in its enclosure,

For long will it cause them to maintain peace.

The 1 line: In 1776 thirteen American colonies of England proclaimed their independence. George Washington, the first US president, led the war for independence (1775-1783). In 1783 England was forced to recognize the independence of the United states. Nostradamus calls US as "humane realm", because from the very beginning it was republican power and no absolutism. Their main motto is Freedom!

The 2 line: The new country was created as a Union of free states.

The 3 line: There were only two wars on the USA territory during the whole period of USA existence: the war for independence and the war of the North and South (1861-1865). Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why the US have become a world leader.

Decoding of the number 10.42. 1000-24=976. If 9 to flip in 6, 6+1=7, then we get 776 – the year of independence.

Quatrain 6.13 13th US President

Vn dubiteux ne viendra loing du regne,

La plus grand part le voudra soustenir

Vn capitole ne voudra point qu'il regne,

Sa grande charge ne pourra maintenir.

A doubtful one will not come far from the realm,

The greater part will want to uphold him:

A Capitol will not want him to reign at all,

He will be unable to bear his great burden.

There is a word Capitol in the quatrain – this is the Senate building on Capitol Hill in Washington. The first senate sessions started in it since 1800. Of all US presidents only Millard Fillmore (1800-1874), the thirteenth US president (1850-1853), matches this quatrain. He became a President due of the death of predecessor. He became the last president US from the party of Whigs.

The 3 line: he ran for president in the next two elections in 1852 and 1856, but he did not win. So in 1856 he received only 8 votes out of 296. After these failures he ended his political career.

Decoding of the number 6.13. 600-13=587, rearrange the numbers 5 and 8 – 857-1=856 – the year of ended career.

Quatrain 7.17* The Prince clemency

Le Prince rare en pitié & clemence,

Apres auoir /avoir/ la paix aux siens baillé,

Viendra changer par mort grand cognoissance,

Par grand repos le regne trauaillé.

The Prince rare in pity & clemency,

After giving peace to his (people),

Great knowledge will change by death,

There will be long peace in his kingdom.

Presumably, this quatrain is about one of the best US presidents Franklin Roosevelt. He was re-elected four times in a row to a new presidential term. Despite the fact that the economic oligarchs were against him, the people elected him again and again. Only death interrupted his reign, that corresponds to the 3rd line. Roosevelt died less than a month before Victory Day.

The USA took part in World War II and became one of the victor countries. After that, there were no large-scale wars in the country, but only armed conflicts in Asia and Africa.

Decoding the number 7.17. If to rearrange the numbers – 177-1=176, 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-67=933 – year the presidency began.

Quatrain 4.46 The allies' landing

Bien deffendu le fait par excellence,

Garde toy /toi/ Tours de ta proche ruyne /ruine/:

Londres & Nantes par Reims fera deffence /défense/,

Ne passez outre au temps de la bruine.

The fact well defended by excellence,

Guard yourself Tours from your future ruin:

London and Nantes will make a defense through Reims,

Not passing further in the time of the drizzle.

Tours – a city on the Loire, several times in history became the residence of the French kings. General states convened here repeatedly. In 1940 the city was partially destroyed.

Allied Anglo-American troops landed in Normandy 06.06.1944, and in August – in the south of France. The Allies first bombed Nantes, then occupied in 1944. From 30.08.44 general Eisenhower located the headquarters of the command of the Allied forces in the city of Reims, in the building of a technical college.

Decoding of the number 4.46. The date of the allies' landing in France is almost clearly indicated. If at the end put 1, to flip 6 in 9, then in the reverse order will be 1944 – the year, 6 – day and month.

Quatrain 1.50* Franklin Roosevelt

De l'aquatique triplicite naistra,

D'vn qui fera le Ieudy pour sa feste.

Son bruit, los, regne, sa puissance croistra,

Par terre & mer,aux Oriens tempeste.

From the three water signs will be born a man

who will celebrate Thursday as his holiday.

His renown, praise, rule and power will grow

on land and sea, bringing trouble to the East.

The 1 line: if this prophecy does not apply to the future, then perhaps it is about the most eminent USA President Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945). Only he was elected more than twice (1933-1945) and ruled until his death. Roosevelt's father was born under the zodiac sign Cancer – water trigon, which corresponds to the 1 line.

The 2 line: in 1941 Franklin signed the bill, on which Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the US on the fourth Thursday of November.

The 3 line: Roosevelt was one of the most important figures in the world political arena in his time. He took an active part in the creation of the United nations and the anti-Hitler coalition. In the US, he carried out a number of important and successful reforms in the state regulation of industry and agriculture, and supported unprotected population. He made huge financial investments in the military and industrial complex, so America became the first nuclear power with the most powerful military base.

The 4 line: the Second World War was during the Roosevelt’s reign. In the war with Japan the USA gave one of the biggest nautical battles. In 1944, America and England opened a second front against Hitler's Germany.

Quatrain 6.37[2] Murder of John Kennedy

L'œuure ancienne se paracheuera,

Du toict cherra sur le grand mal ruyne,

Innocent faict mort on accusera,

Nocent caché, taillis à la bruyne.

The ancient work will be finished,

Evil ruin will fall upon the great one from the roof:

Dead they will accuse an innocent one of the deed,

The guilty one hidden in the copse in the drizzle.

The president of the USA John F. Kennedy was killed during a visit to Dallas in November 1963. The investigation verdict about Lee Oswald’s guilt is highly doubtful. For example, the investigation claims that the killer was shooting from the 6th floor. The bullet got into his back and went out from the neck. Everyone understands that the neck is above the back. Consequently, the bullet could not hit his back first and then get higher into the neck!

Nostradamus described the event how it was programmed by Fate. Judging by the publications, Oswald was indeed a part of this conspiracy and did shoot, but he did not kill the President. The prophet is right, someone else, shooting from front and top, killed Kennedy. Therefore, the bullet hit the neck, and went out from the back. The second shot in the head was fatal, and head was thrown back. This also confirms that someone was shooting from the front. Oswald was killed on the second day. Probably it was done in order to prevent Oswald’s disclosure of his accomplices. The chain of related murders followed. The true killer disappeared with impunity. Nostradamus calls this case old, which should be understood as plotted long ago.

Decoding of the number 6.37. If 6-1=5, 5 to flip in 2 and to consider as 2000, then 2000-37=1963 – the year of murder.

Quatrain 1.26* Kennedy brothers

Le grand du foudre tombe d'heure diurne,

Mal & predit par porteur postulaire,

Suyuant presage tombe d'heure nocturne

Conflict, Reims, Londres, Etrusque pestfere.

The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt.

An evil deed, foretold by the bearer of a petition.

According to the prediction another falls at night time.

Conflict at Reims, London, and pestilence in Tuscany.

1 line. US president John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas on 22 November 1963 at noon when his motorcade drove through the city streets.

3 line. His brother Robert Kennedy, a senator, was assassinated in a hotel on 5 June 1968 after midnight during his presidential campaign.

American woman Gene Dixon wrote in a magazine in 1956 that a Democratic president, who would be elected in 1960, would be killed. She also predicted the assassination of Robert Kennedy.

4 line. In 1963 Britain lost some of its colonies – they gained independence. The conflict was around British Honduras. Etruria is northern Italy, perhaps a breakthrough of a mountain dam is predicted, several thousand people died.

Decoding of the number 1.26. If to rearrange the numbers – 261, 2 to consider as 2000, then 2000-61=1939. The second 9 turn over into 6, a permutation of the figures gives 1963.

Quatrain 10.9 Clinton

De Castillon figuieres nour de brune,
