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The predictions about England and USA

England was the most powerful colonial empire for almost 300 years. Having the best fleet, it was the greatest sea power and had subordinated territories on all inhabited continents. For this reason, English became international language. Its sailors made outstanding geographical discoveries. And now this state is part of the leading countries of the world. England gave birth to the great "child" – the United states, which then separated and became an independent state.

Quatrain 8.45 Arthur Plantagene

La main escharpe & la iambe bandée,

Longs puis nay de Calais portera,

Au mot du guet la mort sera tardée,

Puis dans le temple à Pasques saignera.

With his hand in a sling and his leg bandaged,

the younger brother of Calais will reach far.

At the word of the watch, the death will be delayed,

then he will bleed at Easter in the Temple.

This quatrain describes events before the publication of the book of prophecy, therefore it is not a prediction.

Arthur Plantagenet (04.23.1523-3.03.1542) – bastard of Edward IV king of England, was born in Calais (2nd line).

The bandage on the leg was worn by the Knights of the Garter. This ritual was introduced 1348 by Edward III. Since then, kings and younger members of the royal family have been knighted as Knights of the Garter, as have other prominent military and political figures in England, including Arthur Plantagenet.

3 line. In 1540 he was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to transfer Calais to France. His guilt was not proven, however, after the execution of the conspirators, he was imprisoned in the Tower for another 2 years. Upon receiving the news of his release, he died of a heart attack before he could leave the prison. This happened in the month of March (close to Easter).

Decoding of the number 8.45. If we rearrange the numbers 548, put 1 in front and count as 1000, then 1000-548 = 452. Rearranging, we get 542 – the year of death.

Quatrain 6.74 Elizabeth I

La dechassee au regne tournera,

Ses ennemis trouuez des coniurez:

Plus que iamais son temps triomphera.

Trois & septante a mort trop asseurez.

She chased out will return to the realm,

Her enemies found to be conspirators:

More than ever her time will triumph,

Three and seventy to death very sure.

The 1 version: Elizabeth I (1533-1603) was a queen of England from 1558, protestant. She spent long time in exile and even in prison. Elizabeth triumphantly moved to London after the death of the predecessor Bloody Mary who was a catholic. She did not seek revenge for her Catholic enemies, but showed a religious tolerance, thereby avoided a religious war in the country.

More than ever her time will triumph. A long period of her reign is called the Golden Age of England. It was marked by the prosperity of culture, geographical discoveries, the development of new colonies, the victory over the Spanish invincible armada. Perhaps the last line indicates the duration of her life – 70 years, and 3 – the year of death.

Possible decoding of the number 6.74. 600-74 = 526. If 2 to turn to 5, and 6 by 9, then it will be 559-1 = 558 – the year when her reign started.

The 2nd version: Prediction of USSR collapse and return to capitalism in 1991. If we add 73 to 1917, then 1990 is very close to the death of the old system.

Quatrain 10.84* The illegitimate daughter

Le naturelle a si hault hault non bas

Le tard retour fera marris contens,

Le Recloing ne sera sans debats,

En empliant & perdant tout son temps.

The illegitimate girl so high, high, not low,

The late return will make the grieved ones contended:

The reconciliation will not be without debates,

In employing and losing all her time.

The entire Catholic Church considered Elizabeth I the illegitimate daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Until the age of 25 she was in exile. She returned to London as a queen after the death of her sister Maria Bloody. Crowned at 15/01/1599. The coming to power of the good queen and even the Protestant was a joy for the people. A fierce struggle was waged in the country between Catholics and Protestants. Elizabeth managed to avoid a religious war, showing diplomatic ability in the reconciliation of the parties.

Decoding of number 10.84. If 10 to consider as 1000, then 1000-48 = 952. Turn 2 over in 5 – 955, 1 put to end, in reverse we get 1559 – the year of coronation.

* Mario Reading "Nostradamus: The Good News"

Quatrain 10.39* Maria I Stuart

Premier fils vefue malheureux mariage,

Sans nuls enfans deux Isles en discord,

Auant dixhuit incompetant eage,

De l'autre prés plus bas sera l'accord.

First son, widow, unfortunate marriage,

Without any children, two Islands in discord:

Before eighteen, incompetent age,

For the other one the betrothal will take place while younger.

Maria I Stuart (1542-1587) was the wife of Francis II (1559-1560), the King of France, then the Queen of Scotland (1561-1567). Prophecy was correctly understood by the contemporaries of events.

The 1 line: Maria's husband was the eldest son of Catherine de Medici, who widowed in 1559. Francis II had a weak health. In 1560 he fell seriously ill and died.

The 2 line: Without any children, two Islands in discord: This couple had no children. In the same year, when Maria widowed she returned to her homeland in Scotland. In 1558, Elizabeth I, a protestant, became the queen of England. Maria had more legitimate rights for the English throne. Struggle began between the two queens, between England and Scotland.

The 3 line: in 1560 Maria was 18 years old.

The 4 line: Perhaps it was Maria's marriage to Earl of Bothwell, who was of a lower ancestry.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.15.

Possible decoding of quatrain number 10.39. If we consider 10 as 1000, then 1000-39=961. If we flip 9 in 6 and subtract 1 we will get 561 – the year of the beginning of the reign.

Quatrain 1.86 Mary Stuart escape

La grande Royne qaund se verra vaincue

Fera excez de masculin courage:

Sur cheu(v)al fleuu(v)e passera toute nue,

Suitte par fer, a soy fera outrage.

When the great queen sees herself conquered,

she will show an excess of masculine courage.

Naked, on horseback, she will pass over the river

pursued by the sword: she will have outraged her faith.

Mary Stuart has been the queen of Scotland since August 19, 1561.

1 line. The fall of the queen began with the murder of her husband lord Darnley. A few months later, she married earl Botwell. Public opinion accused Mary of unfaithfulness to her husband and involvement in his murder. In In 1567 the lords congregated an army, arrested and imprisoned the queen in Lochliven Castle. She signed the abdication in favor of her son. Earl of Moray became his regent and ruler of the country.

2-3 lines – about the escape of Mary 05/02/1568 (68 are in the number) from the castle, which was located on the island. Then she lost her last battle at Langside and fled to England. She had to cross the water barriers on the way. Perhaps she had undresses for this.

In line 4 apparently the trial and execution of Mary Stuart in 1587 is predicted. Living under arrest in England, she continued to intrigue against Elizabeth I. In 1586 she was drawn into the Babington conspiracy, which was uncovered. Again 86 are in the quatrain number.

Decoding of number 1.86. If 6 to consider as 600 then 600-81=519, 9 to turn over 6, to rearrange numbers – 561, to put 1 in front; we get 1561- the year, 8 – the month of began reign.

Quatrain 8.23 Letters from casket

Lettres trouuees de la Royne les coffres,

Point de subscrit sans aucun nom d'autheur,

Par la police seront cachez les offres,

Qu'on ne scaura qui sera l'amateur.

Letters are found in the queen's chests,

no signature and no name of the author.

The ruse will conceal the offers;

so that they do not know who the lover is.

The casket of Maria Stuart, presented to her by Medici, was found in 1567. The Earl of Bothwell, the third husband of the Queen, dropped it while fleeing. The sonnets found in it were used as an accusation of her involvement in the murder of her husband, Lord Darnley. Up to now the authenticity of letters is not established. The queen of Scotland herself was silent or denied everything.

Decoding of the number 8.23. If 8 to consider as 800 and to flip 2 in 5, then 800-35=765. By adding 1 to the end and reading it in reverse order we get 1567 – year of the casket was found.

Quatrain 5.93 Under lunar globe

Sous le terroir du rond globe lunaire,

Lors que sera dominateur Mercure:

L'isle d'Escosse sera vn luminaire,

Qui les Anglois mettra à deconfiture.

Under the land of the round lunar globe,

When Mercury will be dominating:

The isle of Scotland will produce a luminary,

One who will put the English into confusion.

If this prophecy is not applied to the future, then the possible option is the battle of 1575, the last major battle on the island. All other wars between England and Scotland were before Nostradamus. Raid of the Redeswire on a border of these countries has resulted in the victory of Scotland. Later, one king ruled both countries.

Probable decoding of number 5.93. If we flip 9 in 6 and consider it as 600, then 600-53=547, by adding 1 to 4 and putting it in the end it will be 575 – the year of the battle.

Quatrain 7.16 The battle of Zutphen

Entrée profonde par la grand Royne faicte;

Rendra le lieu puissant inaccessible:

L'armée des trois Lyons sera deffaicte,

Faisant dedans cas hideux & terrible.

The deep entry made by the great Queen

will make the place powerful and inaccessible;

the army of the three lions will be defeated,

causing within a thing hideous and terrible.

The Battle of Zutphen took place on 22.09.1586 between the Spaniards and the Anglo-Dutch during the Eight Years' War. Queen Elizabeth I of England sent an army to Netherlands led by the Earl of Leicester. The flag of England features three leopards. The Spaniards, led by Farnese, won.

A thing hideous and terrible. On the eve of 14 participants in the Babington conspiracy, who attempted on the life of Elizabeth, were brutally executed. They were gutted, hung and quartered. A few months later Mary Stuart was executed. The conspiracy was uncovered thanks to the work of Elizabeth's secret agents.

Decoding the number 7.16. 700-16=684. 684+1=685. In reverse order we get 586 year.

Quatrain 3.81 Cromwell elected head of the army

Le grand criard sans honte audacieux,

Sera esle gouuerneur de l'armee,

La hardiesse de son contentieux

Le pont rompu, Cite de peur pasmee.

The great brave shameless screamer

He will be elected head of the army,

By insolence of his trial

The bridge is broken, the city faint from fear.

The first 2 lines are about Oliver Cromwell, who at the head of army, defeated the monarchists.

The last 2 lines are about the trial of King Charles I. The process took place in violation of many laws of that time.

The execution of the king is predicted in quatrain 8.37. The word bridge (platform) is there, on which the king appeared in one shirt. The platform was dismantled after the execution of Charles I – bridge is broken.

The city faint from fear: in quatrains 2.53 and 2.51 Nostradamus predicted the plague and the great fire in London, as a punishment for the city for innocently shed blood.

Connection with other quatrains: 9.11, 9.49, 8.37, 2.51, 2.53.

Possible decoding of number 3.81. If 3 to consider as 3000, then 3000-81= 2919. Turn 2 over in 5, 1 move in front and get 1599 – the year of Cromwell's birth.

Quatrain 8.37 Charles I of England

La forteresse aupres de la Tamise

Cherra par lors, le Roy dedans serre,

Aupres du pont sera veu en chemise

Vn deuant mort, puis dans le fort barre.

The fortress near the Thames

will fall when the king is locked up inside.

He will be seen in his shirt near the bridge,

one facing death then barred inside the fortress.

This quatrain predicted the execution of Charles I. Windsor castle on the the river Thames was the kings residence. He was captured by the winning parliamentarians in 1642. Charles was kept under arrest in castle. For execution, the scaffold was erected, on which the king ascended in shirt. After the execution his body was transported to Windsor Castle and on 8 February 1649 it was buried.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.49.

Decoding of the number 8.37. If 7 to consider as 700, then 700-38=662. If 1 to put in front and 6 to the end, we get 1626 – the year of coronation.

Quatrain 6.14* Battle of Naseby

Loing de sa terre Roy perdra la bataille,

Prompt eschappe poursuiuy suyuant prins,

Ignare prins soubs la doree maille,

Soubs faint habit & l'ennemy surprins.

Far from his land a King will lose the battle,

He runs fast, but he will be chased and caught,

Ignorant one taken under the golden chain mail,

Under false garb and to enemy surprise.

The battle under Naseby took place on 06/14/1645 between the troops of Parliament and King Charles I. As stated in the 1st line: the king was defeated. Despite the persecution, he was able to escape. Left without an army in 1646, he fled to Scotland. Subsequently, he was issued to the British for a fee. In 1647 the king fled, but was captured.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.36, 8.37.

Decoding of number 6.14. Nostradamus indicated the exact date: 6 – month, 14 – day of the battle! To decipher the year, rearrange the numbers – 146. If 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-46 = 954. Turn 9 over in 6 (654). Rearranged 54 to 45 gives 645 – the year of battle.

* Forum "We and the Future", hyren.ru

Quatrain 3.50 The escape of Charles I

La republique de la grande Cite

A grand rigueur ne voudra consentir:

Roy sortir hors par trompette cite,

L'eschelle au mur la cite repentir.

The republic of the great city

Will not want to consent to the great severity:

King summoned by trumpet to go out,

The ladder at the wall, the city will repent.

The first line is about London, captured by troops under the leadership of Cromwell. Republican authority was proclaimed.

King Charles I was under strict surveillance. In November 1647 he escaped. However, he was soon arrested again, put on trial and executed.

The city will repent. Nostradamus considers the Great plague of 1665 and the Great fire of 1666 in London as a punishment for the execution of an innocent king.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.14.

Decoding of number 3.50. The numbers rearrange – 053, If 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-53=947. 9 fliping in 6 and get 647 – the year of escape.

Quatrain 10.36* James I

Apres le Roy du soucq guerres parlant,

L'isle Harmotique le tiendra a mespris:

Quelques ans bons rongeant vn & pillant

Par tyrannie a l'isle changeant pris.

After the King of the stump the speaking wars,

The Isle Harmotique will hold him in contempt:

For several good years one gnawing and pillaging,

Through tyranny in the isle esteem changing.

The founder of the Stuart dynasty was James I – the king of children. After him, his son Charles I became king. The speaking wars – James I, like his son, had constant serious disagreements with parliament. In fact, the parliament was in opposition to the king.

3 line. The beginning of the reign of James I was quite prosperous. Then due to a lack of finances, he began to introduce new taxes on wine, timber, etc, to carry out other unpopular reforms among the people, and prices rose.

The last line, perhaps, about the seizure of power by Oliver Cromwell.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.76, 2.53, 9.49.

Decoding of number 10.36. Rearrangement of numbers gives 1603 – the year of reign began.

Quatrain 9.11 The trial of Charles I

Le iuste à tort à mort l'on viendra mettre

Publiquement, & du milieu estaint:

Si grande peste en ce lieu viendra naistre,

Que les iugeans fouyr seront contraints.

The just man will be unjustly sentenced to death,

In public and in he the middle extinguished:

So great a plague will come to arise in this place,

That the judges will be forced to flee.

This prophecy is related in meaning to quatrain 2.53, where the great plague of 1665 was predicted, and then the fire, which became the punishment for London because of the executed king – the righteous.

4 line. Many judges and lords left London before the trial of Charles I. Most of them refused to take part in this lawlessness. Those who judged the king were themselves condemned and executed, after the restoration of the monarchy in England.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.49.

Possible decoding of number 9.11. The numbers rearrange – 191. If to flip 9 in 6, 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-61 = 939. 3+1=4 – 949. Turn first 9 over in 6 we get 649 – the year of death Charles I.

Quatrain 9.49* Conviction of Charles I

Grand & Bruceles marcheront contre Anuers.

Senat de Londres mettront a mort leur Roy

Le sel & vin luy seront a l'enuers,

Pour eux auoir le regne en desarroy.