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Attila Kagan of the Huns from the kind of Velsung

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Attila Kagan of the Huns from the kind of Velsung

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The book will not leave anyone indifferent to the history of our country. In this essay, it is consistently proved that the Huns came from Yamal, and this people has repeatedly appeared on the world stage, and moreover, it never disappeared. The Huns were first called the people of the Andronov culture, who reached the Baltic and reached as far as China. It was the Scandinavian sagas that allowed us to explore the history of this people, in the Russian Federation.

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Подробная информация
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
27 января 2020
Время на чтение: 
9 ч.
87 927 книг

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