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Change of Life

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Change of Life

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2019 год


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О книге

She didn't need any more surprises…Not when Nora Pride's life was changing at a pace faster than the Indy 500. With her birthday a whisper away, she was prematurely becoming a grandmother. She'd just had her first hot flash (to her archrival's undisguised glee). And Nora had gone from primo designer to prime suspect in one day when a priceless vase disappeared from a house she'd designed.The topper–sexy detective Calvin Caine was nipping at her heels. His rough-around-the-edges authority was causing her whole world to heat up. And making her feel as empowered as a modern-day Scarlett O'Hara. As Nora set out to crack the case of the missing vase, she found an even more welcome surprise. Older didn't mean wiser. It just meant feeling more free to be yourself.

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