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CompTIA Network+ Review Guide

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CompTIA Network+ Review Guide

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2017 год


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Be prepared for the Network+ exam

CompTIA Network+ Review Guide is your ideal study companion for preparing for the CompTIA Network+ exam (N10-006). This concise review is the perfect companion to the CompTIA Network+ Study Guide and the CompTIA Network+ Deluxe Study Guide, with full exam coverage organized by objective for quick review and reinforcement of key topics. Each of the book's five parts is devoted to a specific domain area of the exam, providing a focused review to bolster areas of weak understanding. You get access to the Sybex test engine, which includes two bonus practice tests, electronic flashcards, and a glossary of the most important terms you need to know on exam day.

CompTIA's Network+ certification covers advances in networking technology, and reflects changes in associated job tasks. The exam places greater emphasis on network implementation and support, and includes expanded coverage of wireless networking topics. This Review Guide gives you the opportunity to identify your level of knowledge while there's still time to study, and avoid exam-day surprises.

Review network architecture and security

Understand network operations and troubleshooting

Gain insight into industry standards and best practices

Get a firmer grasp of network theory fundamentals

Reinforce your test prep with this concise guide.

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