I'll get (= fetch) the children from school; It's gett...➤ MyBook

Цитата из книги «English Stylistics / Стилистика английского языка. Учебное пособие»

I'll get (= fetch) the children from school; It's getting (= becoming) dark; He got (= was) robbed in the street at night; I got (= caused) him to help me with the work; I got the radio working at last (= brought it to the state of working); Wi11 you get (= give, bring) the children their supper tonight?; I didn't get (= hear) what you said; You got (= understood) my answer wrong; I wanted to speak to the director, but only got (= managed to speak) to his secretary; Will you get (= answer) the phone?; Can you get (= tune in) to London on your radio?
3 января 2015
