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Effective Product Control

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Effective Product Control

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2017 год


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О книге

Improve the Effectiveness of your Product Control Function

Effective Product Control is a detailed how-to guide covering everything you need to know about the function. Considered essential reading for:

New controllers entering the profession

Auditors and regulators reviewing product control

Established controllers wanting a refresher on the latest skills and core controls within the industry.

Encompassing both a technical skills primer and key insights into core controls used to mit­igate major risks emanating from trading desks, you will get expert advice on practical topics such as:

  • The key IFRS and U.S. GAAP accounting standards for a trading desk
  • How to approach the pricing of a financial instrument
  • Market risk and how is it quantified
  • The controls necessary for a trading desk
  • Rogue trading and how it can be detected
  • Valuation adjustments and why they are necessary
  • How the prices used to value a trading portfolio are independently verified
  • The financial accounting entries used to record financial instruments in the balance sheet and profit & loss statement
  • Financial reporting and how the results of a trading desk are presented
  • How a new financial product can be introduced in a controlled manner

Complete with a wealth of insightful graphs, illustrations and real-world examples to enliven the covered material, the dependable answers you need are in Effective Product Control.

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