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Tao of Love. How to find a soul mate and build the balanced relationship

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Tao of Love. How to find a soul mate and build the balanced relationship

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2017 год


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О книге

“Tao of Love” is a book for women who want long-term relationships. You will learn how to correctly formulate your desires on the basis of changes in awareness. The innovative technique of working with one’s own mind, which changes reality, is called “spincasting” and is based on the basic principles of Gestalt therapy and the knowledge of ancient Chinese philosophy. This information was received by the author from his mentor, master Tao Ji Syaogan.

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Подробная информация
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
22 июня 2017
Время на чтение: 
1 ч.
87 924 книги