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Confession… A fairy tale in the style of sentimental cynicism

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Confession… A fairy tale in the style of sentimental cynicism

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2020 год


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О книге

When I voice my new global idea, I always doubt that I am saying banal things that are known to everyone. Well, really, the topic of corrupt bureaucracy and prostitution is probably the most well-worn and hackneyed topic in any talk show and any stand-up. That is, everyone knows this, but keeps silence and try to adapt to the surrounding reality by virtue of their abilities, and they only voice it as banal and trite jokes. But I will still try to invent the wheel and open my own Terra Incognita.

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Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
16 апреля 2020
Время на чтение: 
6 ч.
87 649 книг