«Motivate Yourself» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Andro Donovan на MyBook.ru
Motivate Yourself

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Motivate Yourself

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2017 год


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О книге

Do you want to feel more productive, more present and more inspired by your own life?

Motivate Yourself offers practical strategies to improve your productivity and gives you the know how to create the life you want. Learn how to move past your self-doubt and propel yourself into living your dream.

With practical exercises featured within each chapter, this book will help break those emotional barriers that hold you back and set you on the path to becoming fully engaged and more productive.

Kick start your productivity journey today and:

Quieten that negative inner voice that inhibits your personal growth

Wake up to the possibility and opportunity of a different way of living

Learn how to motivate those around you with productivity at the center of everything you do

Challenge yourself to discover who you really are and what you are truly capable of achieving

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