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Happy Kids & Happy Mealtimes: The complete guide to raising contented children

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Happy Kids & Happy Mealtimes: The complete guide to raising contented children

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2018 год


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Cathy Glass has been a foster carer for over 20 years, caring for over 50 children as well as bringing up three of own.Drawing on years of training and personal experience, Cathy shares many of her tips and ideas on child-rearing, from the effective 3Rs: Request, Repeat and Reassure. She addresses many of the challenges faced by parents whose children suffer from behavioural problems such as autism and ADHD and provides advice on the best techniques in dealing with these issues.She also explains how tasty and nutritious meals can improve well-being, behaviour and overall family life whilst providing quick and easy dishes to serve from simple lentil soup to a hearty toad-in-the-hole.From establishing meal routines to dealing with sibling rivalry Cathy’s clear and expert guide presents all you need to know on how to bring up children in the modern world. An important addition to every family home.

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