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The Playboy of Puerto Banús

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The Playboy of Puerto Banús

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2018 год


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‘Rich, famous and notorious. Raúl Sanchez Fuente scores 3 out of 3.’When she agrees to help out a friend, Estelle Connolly doesn’t expect to end up as an escort to a society wedding – or to catch the eye of the most powerful man in the room. Innocent Estelle struggles to retain her sophisticated cover – especially when Raúl makes her an outrageous offer: the money to settle her family problems in exchange for a few months of her time as Mrs Sanchez!The contract has been signed, the Spanish honeymoon is arranged – but there isn’t a clause to cover all consequences of the wedding night…‘Always a captivating read when Carol Marinelli is involved!’ – Julie, Finance Administrator, Redditch www.carolmarinelli.com

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