Читать книгу «Genuine Mediumship; or, The Invisible Powers» онлайн полностью📖 — William Walker Atkinson — MyBook.

The Secret of Witchcraft

"An examination of the methods employed by these 'witches,' as shown by their confessions, give us a key to the mystery. These 'witches' would fix their minds upon other people, or their animals, and by holding a concentrated mental picture there, would send forth thought-waves affecting the welfare of the persons being 'adversely treated,' which would influence and disturb them, and often bring on sicknesses. Of course, the effect of those 'treatments' were greatly heightened by the extreme fear and superstition held by the masses of people at the time, for fear is ever a weakening factor in mental influence, and the superstitions and credulity of the people caused their minds to vibrate in such a manner as to render them extremely passive to the adverse influences being directed against them. It is well known that the Voodoos of Africa, and similar cults among other savage races, practice Black Magic among their people with great effect. Among the native of Hawaii there are certain men known as 'Kahunas' who pray people sick, or well, whichever way they are paid to do. These instances could be multiplied almost indefinitely, but the basic principle is ever the same in such cases.

Modern Black Magic

"In our own civilized lands there are many people who have learned the principles of mental influence, and who are using the same for unworthy purposes, seeking to injure others and to defeat their undertakings, or else trying to bring them around to their own (the treators') point of view and inclinations. The modern revival of occult knowledge has operated along two lines, and in opposite directions. On the one hand, we see and hear of the mighty power for good that mental influence is exerting over the race today, raising up the sick, strengthening the weak, putting courage into the despondent, and transforming failures into successes. But, on the other hand, the hateful selfishness and greed of unprincipled persons is taking advantage of this mighty force of nature, and prostituting it to the hateful ends of such persons, without heed to the dictates of conscience or the teaching of religion or of ordinary morality. These people are sowing a baleful wind, which will result in their reaping a frightful whirlwind on the mental plane. They are bringing down upon themselves pain and misery in the future."

The Explanation of Sorcery

Another writer says: "In various stages of history we find the records of persons having been affected by the influences of witches, sorcerers, and other evil-minded, unprincipled persons. In most cases these so-called witches and sorcerers themselves were under the delusion that they were being assisted by the devil or some other supernatural being. They did not realize that they were simply using natural forces. Studying the history of witchcraft, sorcery, black magic, and the like, you will find that the devotees thereof usually employed some psychometric method. In other cases they would mould little figures of clay, or of wax, in the general shape and appearance of the person whom they wished to affect. It was thought that these little figures were endowed with some supernatural powers or attributes, but of course this was mere superstition. The whole power of the little figures arose from the fact that they aided the imagination of the spell-worker in forming a mental image of the person sought to be influenced; and thus established a strong mental rapport condition. Added to this, you must remember that the fear and belief of the public greatly aided the spell-worker, and increased his power and influence over these poor persons."

The Power of Fearthought

The last-named writer explains the reference to "fear and belief" in the last sentence above quoted by the following very important statements, and these we ask every student of this book to firmly impress upon his mind, for a mighty truth is therein conveyed. The statements in question are as follows:

"Your attention is hereby called to a very important psychic principle involved in the manifestation of that class of phenomena in which is embraced the cases of witchcraft, sorcery, etc., with which the pages of history are filled. It is a well established fact that by denying the psychic power over you exerted by any person whatsoever, you practically neutralize the psychic power of such person, at least so far as its effect upon and power over yourself is concerned. The stronger and more positive is your mental attitude of immunity to such power, and your assertion and affirmation of that immunity, the greater is your own power of psychic resistance, and the less does his possible power over you become. The average person, not knowing this, is more or less passive to psychic influences of other persons, and may be affected by them to a greater or less extent, the degree depending upon the psychic development of the person seeking to influence him.

The Negative Pole

"At the extreme negative pole of susceptibility we find persons who believe firmly that other persons have psychic power over them, and who are consequently more or less afraid of such persons and of their influence. This belief and fear operates in the direction of making such persons peculiarly sensitive and impressionable to such influence, and thus easily affected by psychic induction. This is the reason that the so-called witches and sorcerers and others of evil repute have been often able to acquire such a power over their victims, and to cause them so much trouble. The secret is that the victims believed in the power of the other persons, and feared their power. The greater the belief in, and fear of, the power of the other persons, the greater the susceptibility to their influence; the greater the disbelief in such power, and the firm belief in one's own power of immunity and that of neutralizing the effect of the psychic influence of other persons, the less is one's degree of susceptibility, and the greater is one's degree of immunity and power. This is the rule in the case—keep it in mind!

Voodooism Explained

"Among the negroes of the South, in America, and among the Hawaiians, we find marked instances of this kind. The negro Voodoo men and women work Black Magic on those of their race who are superstitious and credulous, and who have a mortal fear of the Voodoo. Travelers who have visited the countries in which there is a large negro population have many interesting tales to recite of the terrible workings of these Voodoo black magicians. In some cases, sickness and even death is the result. But, mark you this! It is only those who believe in, and fear, the power of the Voodoos that are so affected. In Hawaii, the Kahunas or native magicians are renowned for their power to cause sickness and death to those who have offended them; or to those who have offended some client of the Kahuna, and who have hired the latter to 'pray' the enemy to sickness or death. The poor, ignorant Hawaiians, believing implicitly in the power of the Kahunas, and being in deadly fear of them, are very susceptible to their psychic influence, and naturally fall easy victims to their vile arts, unless they buy off the Kahuna, or make peace with his client. White persons living in Hawaii are not affected by the Kahunas, for they do not believe in them, neither do they fear them. Unconsciously, but yet strongly, they 'deny' the power, and are immune. So you see the principle working out here, too. Once you have the master-key, you may unlock many doors of mystery which have heretofore been closed to you."


The following quotations from writers on this special subject contain detailed directions for the use of those who may have reason to believe that some other person or persons are trying to use psychic force, or mental currents, upon them for selfish purposes, or otherwise. Of course the general mental attitude of disbelief, and assertion of one's one immunity is sufficient for the purposes of general psychic protection; but we have thought it proper to include the following special directions given by those who have made a close study of this subject.

One writer says: "When you come in contact with people who are seeking to influence you by psychic methods, either direct or indirect, you will find yourself able to defy their mental attacks by simply remembering the strength immanent in your Ego, or Spirit, aided by the statement or affirmation (made silently to yourself) 'I am an Immortal Spirit, using the power of my Ego, which renders me immune from all base psychic attacks or power.' With this mental attitude you may make powerful even the slightest mental effort in the direction of sending forth your own mental vibrations, and these will scatter the adverse influences in all directions; it will often be found that the other person will show signs of confusion in such a case, and will seek to get away from your presence. With this consciousness held in mind, your mental command to another, 'Let me alone—I cast off your influence by the power of my Spirit,' will operate so strongly that you will often actually see the effect at once. If the other person be stubborn, and determined to influence you by words of suggestion, coaxing, threatening, or similar methods, look him or her straight in the eye, saying mentally: 'I defy you—my inner power casts off your influence.' Try this the next time that any one attempts to influence you either verbally or by means of thought-waves, and see how strong and positive you will feel, and how the efforts of the other person will fail. This sounds simple, but the little secret is worth thousands of dollars to every individual who will put it into practice."

Repelling Adverse Influences

This writer continues: "Not only in the case of personal influence in the actual presence of the other person may be defeated in this way, but the same method will act equally well in the matter of repelling the mental influence of others directed against you in the form of 'absent treatments,' etc. If you feel yourself inclining toward doing something which in your heart you feel is not to your best interests, judged from a true viewpoint, you may know that, consciously or unconsciously, someone is seeking in influence you in this way. Then smile to yourself, and make the statements mentioned above, or some similar one, and holding the power of the Spirit within your soul, send forth a mental command just as you would in case the person were actually before you in person. You may also deny out of existence the influencing power, by asserting mentally: 'I deny your power to influence me; you have no such power over me; I am resting securely upon the Spirit within me; I deny out of existence any power over me asserted by you.' After repelling these absent influences you will at once experience a feeling of relief and strength, and will be able to smile at the thought of any such adverse influence affecting you in the slightest."

Neutralizing Psychic Influences

Another writer gives us the following most interesting information and advice for use in cases of this kind: "I wish to point out to you a means of protection against the use of psychic influence against yourself on the part of unscrupulous persons, or any other persons whomsoever, for that matter. One is fully justified in employing this method of protection against even the meddling influence of other persons, who are trying to influence you without your permission or consent. The following is the method of self-protection or defense against this class of psychic influence: In the first place, you must, of course, refuse to admit to your mind any feeling of fear regarding the influence of other persons, for such fear opens the door to their influence, as all students of this subject know. If you have been, or are fearful of the psychic influence of any person, you must get to work and drive out that feeling by positive and vigorous denials. The denial, as all students know, is the positive neutralizer of the psychic influence of another person, providing you make it in full belief in its truth. You must take the mental position (which is really the true one) that you are absolutely immune to the psychic attack or influence. You should say, mentally, 'deny to any person the power to influence me psychically without my consent; I am positive to all such influences, and they are negative to me; I neutralize all such influences by this positive denial!' It should encourage you to know that it requires far less force and power to repel and neutralize psychic influences of this kind, than is required to send forth the power; an ounce of denial and protection overcomes a pound of psychic attacking power. Nature gives you the means of protection, and gives you the 'best end of the stick'; and it is your own fault if you do not use it effectively. A word to the wise is sufficient."

Telepathic Phenomena

The second general class of phenomena in the general category of Voluntary Transmission of Mental Vibrations is that known as "Telepathic Phenomena." In a sense, of course, all phases of Thought Transmission, and particularly that of Voluntary Thought Transmission, may be considered as forms of Telepathy; but for the purpose of classification and distinction we have in this book classed as Telepathic Phenomena merely those forms and phases of Thought Transference in which there is an agreement between the telepathic sender and the telepathic receiver, and in which the experiments are conducted more or less along the lines of scientific investigation.

Scientific Investigators

Scientific observers, for a number of years past, have been conducting careful series of experiments in Telepathy, and many volumes of the reports of such investigations have been published by various psychic research societies. Among the eminent scientists who have devoted much attention to this subject are the following: Professor Henry Sidgewick, of Cambridge University; Professor Balfour Stewart, of the Royal Society of England; Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, the eminent English statesman and scientist; Professor William James, the eminent American psychologist; Sir William Crookes, the great English chemist, physicist, who invented the celebrated "Crookes' Tubes," without which the discovery of the X-Rays, Radio Activity, etc., would have been impossible; Frederick W. H. Myers, the celebrated investigator of Psychic Phenomena; and Sir Oliver Lodge, the eminent English scientist. All these men are of the highest international standing and reputation, and their acceptance of the phenomena of Telepathy places the same on a firm scientific basis.

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