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Barbadoes. From the streamers of moss, resembling a beard, suspended from the tree branches.

Barbarians. The name universally applied by the Romans to wandering or warlike tribes who were unkempt and unshaven.

Barbarossa. The sobriquet of Frederick the First of Germany, on account of his red beard.

Barbary. The land of the Berbers, the Arabic description of the people of this region prior to the Saracen Conquest.

Barber. From the Latin barba, a beard.

Barber-surgeons. Hairdressers who, down to the sixteenth century, also practised “cupping” or blood-letting, a relic of which is the modern Barber’s Pole. The red and white stripes around the pole denoted the bandages, 25while in place of the gilt knob at the end there originally hung the basin affixed under the chin of the patient operated upon.

Barbican. That portion of the Roman wall round the city of London where there must have been a watch-tower looking towards the north. Barbacana is a Persian word for a watch-tower in connection with a fortified place.

Barcelona. Anciently Barcino, after Hamilcar Barca, the father of Hannibal, who refounded the city.

Baring Island. Named by Captain Penny after Sir Francis Baring, first Lord of the Admiralty.

Barley Mow. An old sign for a tavern in connection with the Mow or house where the barley was stored for brewing. Mowe is Saxon for “heap.”

Barmecide’s Feast. An illusory banquet. From the story of the Barber’s Sixth Brother, in “The Arabian Nights.” Barmecide invited a starving wretch to a feast, but gave him nothing to eat.

Barnsbury. Anciently Berners’ Bury, the manor of which was held by Lady Berners, abbess of St Albans.

Barnstormer. A strolling actor. In the old days, away from the regular circuits, there were no provincial theatres or halls licensed for stage plays whatever. The consequence was a company of strolling players obtained permission to perform in a barn. Edmund Kean admitted, when in the zenith of his fame, that he had gained his experience “by barnstorming.”

Barrister. See “Bar.”

Barrow Road. This, with Barrow Hill Place, marks the site of a barrow or sepulchral mound of the Britons and Romans slain in battle.

Barry Cornwall. The anagrammatic pseudonym of Bryan Waller Procter, the poet.

Bar Tender. An Americanism for barman or barkeeper.

Bartholomew Close. The site of the ancient cloisters of St Bartholomew’s Priory, connected with the neighbouring church, which is the oldest in London.

26Bartholomew Fair. The famous fair which for centuries survived the mediæval mart that had given rise to it in the neighbouring street, still known as Cloth Fair. It was held on the Feast of St Bartholomew.

Barton Street. A street in Westminster built by Barton Booth, the eminent actor of Drury Lane Theatre.

Bashaw. Properly “Pashaw.” See “Pasha.”

Basinghall Street. From the mansion and grounds of the Basings, whose ancestor, Solomon Basing, was Lord Mayor of London in 1216.

Bassano. The better known, indeed to most people the only proper, name of the famous Italian artist, Jacopa da Ponte, who signed all his pictures “Il Bassano,” having been born at Bassano in the state of Venice.

Bass’s Straits. Discovered by Matthew Flinders. These straits were named by him after a young ship’s surgeon, who, with a crew of only six men, in a small vessel, accompanied him on the expedition.

Bath Chair. First introduced at Bath, the great health resort of a bygone day.

Bath Street. From a Bagnio, or Turkish Bath, established here in the seventeenth century.

Battersea. Anciently Patricesy, or St Peter’s-ey, the manor belonging to the abbey of St Peter’s, Westminster. The suffix ey implied not only an island, but also a creek.

Battle-born State. Nevada, because admitted into the American Union during the Civil War.

Battle Bridge Road. In this neighbourhood the Iceni, under Boadicea, sustained their total defeat at the hands of the Romans, A.D. 61.

Battle of all the Nations. The battle of Leipsic, 16th to 18th October 1813, so called because it effected the deliverance of Europe from the domination of Napoleon Buonaparte.

27Battle of the Giants. That of Marignano, in which 1200 Swiss Guards, allies of the Milanese, were defeated, 13th September 1515.

Battle of the Herrings. From the sortie of the Orleaners to cut off a convoy of salted herrings on its way to the English, besieging their city, 12th February 1429.

Battle of the Standard. From the high crucifix borne as a standard on a waggon by the English at Northallerton, 29th August 1138.

Battle of the Spurs. That of Guinnegate, 16th August 1513, when the French were utterly routed in consequence of a panic; they used their spurs instead of their weapons of defence.

Battle of the Spurs of Gold. From the enormous number of gold spurs picked up on the field after the defeat of the French knights at Courtray, 11th July 1302.

Bavaria. The country of the Boii, anciently styled Boiaria.

Baynard’s Castle. See “Bayswater.”

Bayonet. Not from the town of Bayonne, but because a Basque regiment in the district of Bayonnetta in 1647, surprised by the Spaniards, stuck their knives into the muzzles of their muskets, and, charging, drove off the enemy with great slaughter.

Bay State. Massachusetts, from the original denomination of this colony in the New England Commonwealth–viz. Massachusetts Bay.

Bayon State. Mississippi, from the French bayon, watercourse, touching its great river.

Bayswater. Originally described as “Baynard’s Watering,” being a manor built by Ralph Baynard, one of the favourites of William the Conqueror, the owner of Baynard’s Castle, in what is now Thames Street, destroyed in the Great Fire of London.

B. D. V. A tobacco advertisement which stands for “Best Dark Virginia.”

28Beak. The slang term for a magistrate, on account of the beag or gold collar that he wears.

Beak Street. This name has a sportive reference to the magistrate at the neighbouring police court in Great Marlborough Street.

Beanfeast. From the Bean-goose (so called from the similarity of the nail of its bill to a bean) which was formerly the invariable dinner dish.

Bear. Wherever this enters into the name of a tavern sign (with the single exception of that of “The Bear and Ragged Staff”) it denotes a house that had originally a bear garden attached to it.

Bear and Ragged Staff. A common inn sign in Warwickshire, from the heraldic device of Warwick the King Maker.

Bear Garden. This name at the corner of Sumner Street, Southwark, recalls the old Paris Garden, a famous bear-baiting establishment founded by Robert de Paris as far back in English history as the reign of Richard I. A “Bear Garden” is in our time synonymous with a place of resort for roughs or rowdies.

Bear State. Arkansas, from the Western description of the character of its people. “Does Arkansas abound with bears that it should be called the Bear State?” a Western man was once asked. “Yes, it does,” was the reply; “for I never knew a man from that state but he was a bar, and, in fact, the people are all barish to a degree.”

Bearward. The custodian of the bear at public and private bear-baiting gardens. Most English towns anciently retained a bearward. See “Congleton Bears.”

Beats a Philadelphia Lawyer. An American expression implying that the lawyers of Philadelphia are noted for shrewdness and learning.

Beauchamp Tower. After Thomas de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, whom Richard II. caused to be imprisoned here for inciting the barons to remove the King’s favourite, Sir Simon de Burley.

29Beauclerc. The surname of Henry I., on account of his accomplishments in an age when learning was rare.

Beckenham. The home in the vicinity of becks or brooks. The Saxon terminal en expresses the plural.

Bedad. An Irishman’s exclamation, derived from the English “Begad” or “By Gad.”

Bedford. From the Anglo-Saxon Bedican-ford, the protected ford over the Ouse.

Bedfordbury. The bury or enclosed land of the Duke of Bedford. Bedford Street and Bedford Square likewise point to the great ground landlord.

Bedlam. Short for Bethlehem Hospital, a “Lazar House” in South London which in 1815 was converted into an asylum for lunatics. See “Bethlehem.”

Bedouins. From the Arabic badawiy, “dwellers in the desert.”

Beech Street. Said to have been the property of Nicholas de la Beech, Lieutenant of the Tower, temp. Edward III.

Beefeaters. Although it has been proved that the word Buffetier cannot be met with in any old book, the Yeomen of the Guard instituted by Henry VII. certainly waited at the royal table, and since this monarch was largely imbued with French manners, his personal attendants must after all have received their nickname from the Buffet, or sideboard.

Beer Bible. From the words “the beer” in place of “strong drink” (Isaiah xxiv. 9).

Before the Mast. The for’ard part of a ship, where, in the forecastle, the sailors have their quarters. Hence a common seaman is said to “Serve before the Mast.”

Begad. See “By Gad.”

Begorra. An Irish form of the English corrupted oath Begad or “By Gad.”

Beguines. An order of nuns in France, from the French beguin, a linen cap. These nuns are distinguished by their peculiar head covering.

30Begum. A lady of high rank in the East, a princess in India, or the wife of a Turkish beg (generally corrupted into bey) or Governor.

Beldame. From the French Belle-dame, “fine lady.” The meaning has now been corrupted from a lady entitled to the utmost respect on account of age or position to an ugly old woman.

Belgium. From the Belgæ, the name given by Cæsar to the warlike people who overran this portion of Gaul.

Belgravia. The fashionable district of which Belgrave Square is the centre, after one of the titles of the Duke of Westminster, the ground landlord.

Bell. A tavern sign, originally denoting a haunt for the lovers of sport, where a silver bell constituted the prize.

Bell, Book, and Candle. The instruments used by the Church in carrying out a sentence of excommunication. The bell apprised all good Christians of what was about to take place, the dread sentence was read out of the book, while the blowing out of the candle symbolised the spiritual darkness in which the excommunicated person would in future abide.

Belleisle. French for “beautiful isle.”

Beloochistan. Pursuant to the Persian stan, the country of the Belooches.

Below Par. Not up to the mark in point of health. The allusion is to Government stock not worth its nominal £100 value.

Belvedere. A public-house sign, derived from the Italian word for a pavilion built on a house-top commanding a fine prospect.

Ben. Theatrical slang for “benefit.”

Bench. The primitive seat of judges and magistrates before the modern throne-like chair was introduced. Barristers of the Inns of Court are styled “Benchers” from the wooden seats formerly provided for them.

Benedict. A confirmed bachelor, after St Benedict, who 31unceasingly preached the virtues of celibacy. Also a newly-married man who, like Benedick in Much ado about Nothing, after having long forsworn marriage, at length succumbed to the grand passion.

Benedictine. A liqueur made at the Benedictine monastery at Fécamp.

Benedictines. The monastic Order founded by St Benedict in the sixth century.

Bengal Tigers. The Leicester Regiment, which as the old 17th Foot rendered good service in India at the commencement of the last century, and received a royal tiger as a badge.

Bennett Street. From the town mansion of Henry Bennett, Earl of Arlington.

Bentinck Street. After William Bentinck, second Duke of Portland, the ground landlord.

Bergen. From the Danish bierg, mountain, the port nestling at the foot of high hills.

Berkeley Square. The whole district hereabouts comprised the land of Lord Berkeley of Stratton, one of the officers of Charles I.

Berkeley Street (Upper and Lower). After Edward Berkeley Portman, the ground landlord. There is a Berkeley Street too in Clerkenwell, on the site of which stood the residence of Sir Maurice Berkeley, the standard-bearer of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Elizabeth.

Berkshire. The Beoric, or “forest shire,” of the Saxons.

Berlin. From the Slavonic Berle, denoting its situation in the midst of a sandy plain.

Bermondsey. The ey, or creek land, belonging to the Saxon lord Beomund.

Bermuda Islands. After Juan Bermudas, who discovered them in 1522.

Bernardine Hospice. This noble institution on the Alpine heights was not founded by St Bernard, nor has it ever 32been served by the monks of his Order. It takes its name from Bernard de Menthon, a wealthy Savoyard, who in 962 established this house of refuge for the pilgrims crossing the Alps on their way to the Holy Land. The monks who serve the Hospice are Augustinians.

Bernardines. The monastic Order founded by St Bernard in 1115.

Berne. From the German Bären, which expresses the plural for bear. The figure of a bear is conspicuous on the public buildings, fountains, etc.

Berners Street. After Lady Berners, the original owner of the land hereabouts.

Best Man at a Wedding. A survival of feudal times, when the particular friends of the “Bridegroom” undertook to frustrate the designs of a rival sworn to carry off the bride before the nuptials could take place. In Sweden weddings formerly took place under cover of night. Behind the high altar of the ancient church at Husaby, in Gothland, a collection of long lances, with sockets for torches, may yet be seen. These were served out to the groomsmen on such occasions, both for defence and illumination. These groomsmen were the bravest and best who could be found to volunteer their services.

Bethlehem. Hebrew for “house of bread.” Hence Bethlehem Hospital, the original name for a lazar or poor house.

Bethnal Green. Anciently Bednal Green, but corrupted from the family name of the Bathons, who resided here, temp. Edward I.

Bevis Marks. Properly Bury’s Marks, from the posts to define the limits of the ground belonging to the town house of the Abbots of Bury.

Bideford Postman. The sobriquet of Edward Capern, the poet, who was a letter-carrier at Bideford in Devon.

Big Ben. After Sir Benjamin Hall, Bart., M.P., one of the designers of the New Houses of Parliament, and Chief Commissioner of Works.

33Big Bend State. Tennessee, which name expresses the Indian for “river of the great bend.”

Bilbo. The old name for a Spanish sword blade made at Bilboa.

Bilboes. The irons with which mutinous sailors are manacled together. From Bilboa, Spain, their place of origin.

Bilker. A corruption of Balker, one who balks or outwits another. In our day one hears mostly of the “Cab bilker”; formerly the “Tavern bilker” was an equally reprehensible character.

Billingsgate. After Belin, a Saxon lord, who had a residence beside the old Roman water-gate on the north bank of the Thames.

Billiter Street. A corruption of Belzettar, the name of the first builder on the land hereabouts.

Billycock. The slang term for a “bowler” hat always worn by William Coke at the Holkham shooting parties.

Bingham’s Dandies. One of the nicknames of the 17th Lancers, after their Colonel and their smart uniforms.

Bioscope. Moving or living pictures thrown on a screen, so called from the Greek bios, life, and skopein, to view.

Birchin Lane. Properly Birchover Lane, after the name of the builder.

Birdcage Walk. From the Royal Aviary of the Restoration, located along the south wall of St James’s Park.

Bird of Passage. A hotel phrase applied to a guest who arrives at stated seasons.

Bird’s Eye Tobacco. So called from the oval shape of the stalks when cut up with the leaf.

Birkbeck Institute. The premier Mechanics’ Institute, established by Dr Birkbeck in 1824.

Birmingham. Called Bremenium by the Romans and Birmingeham in Domesday Book. This being so, it cannot be corrupted from “Broom-place town,” as some authors say.

34Birrell. To write, speak, or do anything after the manner of Mr Augustine Birrell, M.P., President of the Board of Education.

Birrelligion. A word coined by Dr Casterelli, Roman Catholic Bishop of Salford, who, speaking on Mr Birrell’s New Education Bill, said it was not one exactly of irreligion, but of Birrelligion, acceptable to no party or denomination.

Bishopsgate Street. From the ancient city gate rebuilt by Bishop Irkenwald, the son of King Offa, and repaired by Bishop William in the time of the Conqueror.

Biz. Theatrical slang for “business” or stage by-play.

Black Brunswickers. A celebrated regiment of seven hundred volunteers raised in Bohemia in 1809 by Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick, who took up arms against Napoleon because the latter had obstructed his succession to his father’s dukedom. Their uniform was black, in token of mourning for the deceased Duke. Finding they could not bear against the power of France, they enlisted in the English service. Thus it came to pass that the Black Brunswickers fought at the Battle of Waterloo, where their gallant leader met his death. Afterwards they were heard of no more.

Black Bull. An inn sign derived from the heraldic device of the House of Clare.

Black Country. The name given to the great coalfield in the Midlands. It extends from Birmingham to Wolverhampton on one side and from Lyle Waste to West Bromwich on the other.

Black Friars. The Order of the Dominicans, so called from their habits. In the district of Blackfriars stood the great monastery.

Blackguards. A derisive nickname given originally to the scullions of the Royal Household, touching their grimy appearance, as contrasted with the spruceness of the Guards of Honour.

35Blackheath. A corruption of Bleak Heath.

Blackleg. After sporting men of a low type, who invariably wore black gaiters or top-boots.

Blackmail. Originally a tax or tribute paid to robbers or freebooters as a compromise for protection. “Black” implied the Gaelic for security, while mal was Anglo-Saxon for tribute.

Black Maria. Slang for a prison van. Many years ago a negress of powerful build and strength, named Maria Lee, kept a sailor’s lodging-house at Boston. Everyone dreaded her, and she so frequently assisted the police of that day to pin down a refractory prisoner before he could be manacled that “Send for Black Maria!” became quite a common exclamation among them. Hence the earliest vehicles for the conveyance of offenders against law and order, especially since they were painted black, were named after her.

Black Museum. The collection of criminal relics preserved at the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police at New Scotland Yard.

Black Prince. The sobriquet of Edward, Prince of Wales, son of Edward III., not because he wore black armour, as is generally supposed, but, according to Froissart, “by terror of his arms,” and again, Strutt, “for his martial deeds.”

Black Sea. From its many black rocks, which render navigation dangerous.

Blackwall. A corruption of Bleak Wall.

Black Watch. Soldiers first appointed to watch the Highlands of Scotland. They received the name from their black tartans.

Blandford Square. From Blandford, Dorsetshire, near Bryanstone, the seat of the great ground landlord, Viscount Portman.

Blankets. First made by the Brothers Blanket, of Bristol, in 1337.

36Blarney. Suave speeches intended only to gain time. When Cormack Macarthy was besieged by the English in Blarney Castle in 1662 he concluded an armistice, with the object of surrendering after a few days; but instead of doing so he sent out soft, evasive speeches, until Lord Carew and his soldiers were forced to admit that they had been duped. Hence the expression: “None of your Blarney.”


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