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Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 / A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc



(22d Ed., 1812.)

Finding that my copy of The Rolliad ("Notes and Queries," Vol. ii., p. 373.) contains fuller information regarding the authors than has yet appeared in your valuable periodical, I forward you a transcript of the MS. notes, most of which are certified by the initial of Dr Lawrence, from whose copy all of them were taken by the individual who gave me the volume.

W. C. Trevelyan.

Wallington, Morpeth.

Advertisement. Dr. Lawrence.

Advertisement to 4th Edition. Do.

Explanation of Frontispiece and Title. Do.

Dedication. Do.

Rollo Family. E. T. and R. "This was the piece first published, and the origin of all that followed."

Extract from Dedication. Fitzpatrick. "The title of these verses gave rise to the vehicle of Criticisms on The Rolliad."—L.


No. 1. Ellis. The passage in p. 2, from "His first exploit" to "what it loses in sublimity," "inserted by Dr. L. to preserve the parody of Virgil, and break this number with one more poetical passage."—L.

No. 2. Ellis. "This vehicle of political satire not proving immediately impressive, was here abandoned by its original projector, who did not take it up again till the second part."—L.

No.  3. Dr. Lawrence. Verses on Mr. Dundas by G. Ellis.

4. Richardson.

5. Fitzpatrick.

6. Dr. Lawrence.

7. Do.

8. Do.

9. Fitzpatrick.

10. Richardson.

11. Do.

12. Fitzpatrick.

13. Dr. Lawrence.

14. Do.

The French Inscriptions by Ellis
Part II

No. 1. Ellis

2. Do.

3. Richardson.

4. Do.

5. Fitzpatrick.

6. R–d.

7. Dr. Lawrence.

The passage commencing "The learned Mr. Daniel Barrington," to "drawing a long bow," "inserted by R–d under the verbal suggestions of Dr. Lawrence."

The Rose. Dr. Lawrence.

The Lyars. Fitzpatrick.

Margaret Nicholson. Lines 2-12, by Dr. Lawrence; the rest by A. (Adair.)

Charles Jenkinson. Ellis.

Jekyll. Lines 73. to 100., "inserted by Tickle;" 156. to end, "altered and enlarged by Tickle;" the rest by Lord J. Townsend. (At the end of Jekyll is the note which I have already sent to the "Notes and Queries," Vol. ii, p. 373.—W. C. T.)

Probationary Odes

Preliminary Discourse. G. Ellis or Tickle. Q.

Thoughts on Ode-writing. Tickle.

Recommendatory Testimonies. Tickle. "I believe all the Testimonies are his, unless the last be by Lord John Townsend."—L.

Warton's Ascension. Tickle.

Laureat Election. Richardson. "The first suggestion of the vehicle for Probationary Odes for the Laureatship came (as I understood, for I was not present) from the Rev. Dudley Bate."—L.

Irregular Ode. Tickle.

Ode on New Year. Ellis.

Ode No.  3. Dudley Bate.

4. Richardson.

6. Anonymous, communicated by Tickle.

7. Anonymous.

8. "Brummell." "Some slight corrections were made by L., and one or two lines supplied by others."—L.

9. Tickle. "The first draft of this ode was by Stratford Canning, a merchant in the city; but of his original performance little or nothing remains except five or six lines in the third Stanza."—L.

10. "Pearce, (I believe) Brother-in-law of Dudley Bate."—L.

11. "Boscawen, (I believe) afterwards of the Victualling Office, communicated by Tickle."—L.

12. Lord John Townsend,—"Three or four lines in the last stanza, and perhaps one or two in some of the former, were inserted by Tickle."—L.

13. "Anonymous, sent by the Post."—L.

14. "The Rev. O'Byrne.

'This political Parson's a *B'liever! most odd! He b'lieves he's a Poet, but don't b'lieve in God!'—Sheridan.

* Dr. O'B. pronounces the word believe in this manner."

15. Fitzpatrick.

16. Dr. Lawrence.

17. Genl. Burgoyne.

18. R–d.

19. Richardson.

20. Ellis.

21. Address. Dr. Lawrence. For "William York" read "William Ebor."

Pindaric Ode. Dr Lawrence.

22. The Prose and Proclamation, "by Tickle or Richardson."—L.

Table of Instructions. Tickle or Richardson.

Political Miscellanies

To the Public. R–d.

Odes to W. Pitt. Fitzpatrick.

My Own Translation, prefixed to Ode 2nd. Dr. Lawrence.

The Statesmen. R–d.

Rondeau. Dr. Lawrence.

In the third Rondeau, for "pining in his spleen" read "moving honest spleen."—L. All the Rondeaus are by Dr. L.

The Delavaliad. Richardson.

Epigrams. Tickle and Richardson.

Lord Graham's Diary. "Tickle, I believe."—L.

Lord Mulgrave's Essays. Ellis.

Anecdotes of Pitt. G. Ellis.

A Tale. Sheridan.

Morals. Richardson.

Dialogue. Lord John Townsend.



No.  1. Dr. Lawrence.

"   32. Do.

"   33. Do.

"   37. Do.

Foreign Epigrams

No.  1. Ellis.

"    2. Rev. O'Byrne.

"    3. Do.

"    4. Do.

"    5. Do.

"    6. Dr. Lawrence.

"    7. Do.

"    8. Do.

"    9. Do.

"   10. Do.

"   11. Tickle.

"   12. Do.

"Most of the English Epigrams unmarked are by Tickle, some by Richardson, D. Bate, R–d, and others."—L.

Advertisement Extraordinary. Dr. Lawrence.

Paragraph Office. Do.

Pitt and Pinetti. "Ellis, I believe."—L.

The Westminster Guide. Genl. Burgoyne.

A new Ballad. Lord J. Townsend or Tickle.

Epigrams on Sir Elijah Impey. R–d.

–– by Mr. Wilberforce. Ellis.

Original Letter. A. (Adair.)

Congratulatory Ode. Courtenay.

Ode to Sir Elijah Impey. "Anonymous—I believe L. J. Townsend."—L.

Song, to tune "Let the Sultan Saladin." R–d.

A new Song, "Billy's Budget." Fitzpatrick.

Epigrams. R–d.

Ministerial Facts. "Ld. J. Townsend, I believe."—L.

Journal of the Right Hon. H. Dundas.

To end of March 7th. Tierney.

March 9th and 10th. Dr. Lawrence.

March 11th. Tierney.

March 12th and 13th. C. Grey.

March 14th. Tierney.

"This came out in numbers, or rather in continuations, in the Newspaper."—L.

Incantation. Fitzpatrick.

Translations. "Tickle, Richardson, R–d, and others."—L.

The "Memoranda" &c., respecting The Rolliad, at Vol. ii., p. 439., recalled to my recollection a "Note" made several years back; but the "Query" was, where to find that Note? However, I made a mental note, "when found," to forward it to you, and by the merest chance it has turned up, or rather, out; for it fell from within an old "Common Place Book," when—I must not take credit for being in search of it, but, in fact, in quest of another note. Should you consider it likely to interest either your correspondents, contributors, or readers, you are much welcome to it; and in that case, to have troubled you with this will not be regretted by

C. W.

Stoke, Bucks.

The Rolliad.—(Memorandum in Sir James Mackintosh's copy of that work.)
"Bombay, 23rd June, 1804.

"Before I left London in February last, I received from my old friend, T. Courtenay, Esq., M.P., notes, of which the following is a copy, giving account of the Authors of The Rolliad, and of the series of Political Satires which followed it:—

Extract from Dedication. Fitzpatrick.

Nos. 1. 2. G. Ellis.

No. 3. Dr. Lawrence.

No. 4. J. Richardson.

No. 5. Fitzpatrick.

Nos. 6. 7. 8. Dr. Lawrence.

No. 9. Fitzpatrick.

Nos. 10. 11. J. Richardson.

No. 12. Fitzpatrick.

Nos. 13. 14. Dr. Lawrence.

Part II.

Nos. 1. 2. G. Ellis

Nos. 3. 4. J. Richardson.

No. 5. Fitzpatrick.

No. 6. Read.

No. 7. Dr. Lawrence.

Political Eclogues.

Rose. Fitzpatrick.

The Lyars. Do.

Margaret Nicholson. R. Adair.

C. Jenkinson. G. Ellis.

Jekyll, Lord J. Townsend and Tickell.

Probationary Odes

No.  1. Tickell.

2. G. Ellis.

3. H. B. Dudley.

4. J. Richardson.

5. J. Ellis. ?G.

6. Unknown.

7. (Mason's). Do.

8. Brummell.

9. Sketched by Canning, the Eton Boy, finished by Tickell.

10. Pearce. ?

11. Boscawen.

12. Lord J. Townsend.

13. Unknown. Mr. C. believes it to be Mrs. Debbing, wife of Genl. D.

14. Rev. Mr. O'Byrne.

15. Fitzpatrick.

16. Dr. Lawrence.

17. Genl. Burgoyne.

18. Read.

19. Richardson.

20. G. Ellis.

21. Do.

22. Do.

"If ever my books should escape this obscure corner, the above memorandum will interest some curious collector.

"James Mackintosh.

"The above list, as far as it relates to Richardson, is confirmed by his printed Life, from which I took a note at Lord J. Townsend's four days ago.

"J. Mackintosh. 18 Nov., 1823."


It has probably often been remarked as somewhat curious, that Chaucer, in describing the arrival of Palamon and Arcite at Athens, mentions the day of the week on which it takes place:

"And in this wise, these lordes all and some,
Ben on the Sonday to the citee come," &c.

Nothing seems to depend on their coming on one day of the week rather than on another. In reality, however, this apparently insignificant circumstance is astrologically connected with the issue of the contest. Palamon, who on the morning of the following day makes his prayer to Venus, succeeds at last in winning Emelie, though Arcite, who commends himself to Mars, conquers him in the tournament. The prayers of both are granted, because both address themselves to their tutelary deities at hours over which these deities respectively preside. In order to understand this, we must call to mind the astrological explanation of the names of the days of the week. According to Dio Cassius, the Egyptians divided the day into twenty-four hours, and supposed each of them to be in an especial manner influenced by some one of the planets. The first hour of the day had the prerogative of giving its name, or rather that of the planet to which it was subject, to the whole day. Thus, for instance, Saturn presides over the first hour of the day, which is called by his name; Jupiter over the second, and so on; the Moon, as the lowest of the planets, presiding over the seventh. Again, the eighth is subject to Saturn, and the same cycle recommences at the fifteenth and at the twenty-second hours. The twenty-third hour is therefore subject to Jupiter, and the twenty-fourth to Mars. Consequently, the first hour of the following day is subject to the sun, and the day itself is accordingly dies Solis, or Sunday. Precisely in the same way it follows that the next day will be dies Lunæ; and so on throughout the week. To this explanation it has been objected that the names of the days are more ancient than the division of the day into twenty-four parts; and Joseph Scaliger has attempted to derive the names of the days from those of the planets, without reference to this method of division. His explanation, however, which is altogether geometrical, inasmuch as it depends on the properties of the heptagon, seems quite unsatisfactory, though Selden appears to have been inclined to adopt it. At any rate, the account of the matter given by Dio Cassius has generally been accepted.

To return to Chaucer: Theseus, as we know, had erected in the place where the tournament was to be held three oratories, dedicated to Mars, to Venus, and to Diana. On the day after their arrival, namely, on Monday, Palamon and Arcite offered their prayers to Venus and Mars respectively, and Emelie, in like manner, to Diana. Of Palamon we are told that—

"He rose, to wenden on his pilgrimage
Unto the blisful Citherea benigne"

two hours before it was day, and that he repaired to her temple "in hire hour."

In the third hour afterwards,

"Up rose the sonne, and up rose Emelie
And to the temple of Diane gan hie."

Her prayer also was favourably heard by the deity to whom it was addressed; the first hour of Monday (the natural day beginning at sunrise) being subject to Luna or Diana. The orisons of Palamon were offered two hours earlier, namely, in the twenty-third hour of Sunday, which is similarly subject to Venus, the twenty-fourth or last hour belonging to Mercury, the planet intermediate between Venus and the Moon. It is on this account that Palamon is said to have prayed to Venus in her hour.

Arcite's vows were made later in the day than those of Palamon and Emelie. We are told that

"The nexte hour of Mars following this,"

(namely after Emelie's return from the temple of Diana)

"Arcite unto the temple walked is
Of fierce Mars."

The first hour of Mars is on Monday, the fourth hour of the day; so that as the tournament took place in April or May, Arcite went to the temple of Mars about eight or nine o'clock.

It may be well to explain the word "inequal" in the lines—

"The thridde hour inequal that Palamon
Began to Venus temple for to gon,
Up rose the sonne, and up rose Emelie."

In astrology, the heavens are divided into twelve houses, corresponding to a division of the ecliptic into twelve equal parts, the first of which is measured from the point of the ecliptic which is on the horizon and about to rise above it, at the instant which the astrologer has to consider, namely, the instant of birth in the case of a nativity, or that in which a journey or any other enterprise is undertaken.

The hours inequal here spoken of similarly correspond to a division of the ecliptic into twenty-four parts, so that each house comprehends the portions of the ecliptic belonging to two of these hours, provided the division into houses is made at sunrise, when the first hour commences. It is obvious that these astrological hours will be of unequal length, as equal portions of the ecliptic subtend unequal angles at the pole of the equator.

With regard to the time of year at which the tournament takes place, there seems to be an inconsistency. Palamon escapes from prison on the 3rd of May, and is discovered by Theseus on the 5th. Theseus fixes "this day fifty wekes" for the rendezvous at Athens, so that the tournament seems to fall in April. Chaucer, however, says that—

"Gret was the feste in Athenes thilke day,
And eke the lusty seson of that May
Made every wight to be, in swiche pleasance," &c.

Why the 3rd of May is particularly mentioned as the time of Palamon's escape, I cannot tell: there is probably some astrological reason. The mixture of astrological notions with mythology is curious: "the pale Saturnus the colde" is once more a dweller on Olympus, and interposes to reconcile Mars and Venus. By his influence Arcite is made to perish after having obtained from Mars the fulfilment of his prayer—

"Yeve me the victorie, I axe thee no more."


"Snail, Snail, come out of your Hole."—In Surrey, and most probably in other counties where shell-snails abound, children amuse themselves by charming them with a chant to put forth their horns, of which I have only heard the following couplet, which is repeated until it has the desired effect, to the great amusement of the charmer.

"Snail, snail, come out of your hole,
Or else I'll beat you as black as a coal."

It is pleasant to find that this charm is not peculiar to English children, but prevails in places as remote from each other as Naples and Silesia.

The Silesian rhyme is:

"Schnecke, schnecke, schnürre!
Zeig mir dein viere,
Wenn mir dein viere nicht zeigst,
Schmeisz ich dich in den Graben,
Fressen dich die Raben;"

which may be thus paraphrased:

"Snail, snail, slug-slow,
To me thy four horns show;
If thou dost not show me thy four,
I will throw thee out of the door,
For the crow in the gutter,
To eat for bread and butter."

In that amusing Folk's-book of Neapolitan childish tales, the Pentamerone of the noble Count-Palatine Cavalier Giovan-Battista Basile, in the seventeenth tale, entitled "La Palomma," we have a similar rhyme:

"Jesce, jesce, corna;
Ça mammata te scorna,
Te scorna 'ncoppa lastrico,
Che fa lo figlio mascolo."

of which the sense may probably be:

"Peer out! Peer out! Put forth your horns!
At you your mother mocks and scorns;
Another son is on the stocks,
And you she scorns, at you she mocks."
S. W. Singer.

The Evil Eye.—This superstition is still prevalent in this neighbourhood (Launceston). I have very recently been informed of the case of a young woman, in the village of Lifton, who is lying hopelessly ill of consumption, which her neighbours attribute to her having been "overlooked" (this is the local phrase by which they designate the baleful spell of the evil eye). An old woman in this town is supposed to have the power of "ill-wishing" or bewitching her neighbours and their cattle, and is looked on with much awe in consequence.

H. G. T.

"Millery! Millery! Dousty-poll!" &c.—I am told by a neighbour of a cruel custom among the children in Somersetshire, who, when they have caught a certain kind of large white moth, which they call a miller, chant over it this uncouth ditty:—

"Millery! Millery! Dousty-poll!
How many sacks hast thou stole?"

And then, with boyish recklessness, put the poor creature to death for the imagined misdeeds of his human namesake.

H. G. T.

"Nettle in, Dock out."—Sometime since, turning over the leaves of Clarke's Chaucer, I stumbled on the following passage in "Troilus and Cressida," vol. ii. p. 104.:—

"Thou biddest me that I should love another
All freshly newe, and let Creseidé go,
It li'th not in my power levé brother,
And though I might, yet would I not do so:
But can'st thou playen racket to and fro,
Nettle' in Dock out, now this now that, Pandare?
Now foulé fall her for thy woe that care."

I was delighted to find the charm for a nettle sting, so familiar to my childish ear, was as old as Chaucer's time, and exceedingly surprised to stumble on the following note:—

"This appears to be a proverbial expression implying inconstancy; but the origin of the phrase is unknown to all the commentators on our poet."

If this be the case, Chaucer's commentators may as well be told that children in Northumberland use friction by a dock-leaf as the approved remedy for the sting of a nettle, or rather the approved charm; for the patient, while rubbing in the dock-juice, should keep repeating,—

"Nettle in, dock out,
Dock in, nettle out,
Nettle in, dock out,
Dock rub nettle out."

The meaning is therefore obvious. Troilus is indignant at being recommended to forget this Cressida for a new love, just as a child cures a nettle-sting by a dock-leaf. I know not whether you will deem this trifle worth a corner in your valuable and amusing "Notes."

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