According to Beros, a Babylonian priest and writer, who lived in IV – III century B.C., the civilization was brought to our planet by amphibian species. The intelligent species, with the name Oannes, was the first intelligent species that appeared from the sea. The body of him was fish, and under the fish head there was the other, [human], below there were legs as though of (kind of) a man and fish tail [behind them]. His voice was human, and the tongue clear, and his image remained up to our time. In the afternoon this Being usually talked with people, but did not eat at this time any food. He had given to people writing, sciences and arts. He had learnt them to build dwellings, to erect temples, to establish laws and to know the geometry bases. He had shown them seeds of the useful plants and has trained them to collect their fruits. In short, this Being had made all required that customs of people became softer and they could lead a civilized lifestyle. And his deeds (acts) were so comprehensive that since then and up to now anything essential had not been invented (devised) any more. After sunset this Being made for sea again and spent all night long in its depths because he was an amphibious.
Oannes the merman, ancient picture
After very long period, four more similar semi-demonic creatures came from the seawater to land, and their names were Evdok, Eneugam, Eneubol and Anement. During the reign of Evdoresh from Pantibiblon, one more being of the similar appearance, simultaneously looked like a man and a fish, appeared from the Eritrey sea, and his name was Odakon.
Helladius, a Greek philosopher (as of Photios, 820—893 B.C.) told the history of a creature with the name Oe (Egghead), who appeared from the waters of the Red sea. He had the body of a fish, but human arms, legs and head, and taught people the basics of astronomy and grammar. The philosopher then told that there were those, who said he was from the Great Egg (apparently a spaceship that landed on water, therefore, he was given such a name), and that in reality he was a human, but he was dressed in some sort of «fish-scale» (the pressure suit). Other sources also state, that when the spaceship was landing, and after it touched the water surface, it started shining bright underwater.
The ancient image of the head of a Celestial
Let us now have a short pause to recall mysterious UFO flights from our memory and in present days, also over the surface of the World Ocean, which on Earth, as one knows, has more than five times larger area, than the soil has. There are multiple eyewitness reports, including detailed reports from Navy officers, who saw UFO water landings and UFO takeoffs from under water. There is also a detailed description of the UFO takeoff from under the deep layer of ice, with a large ice-hole with smooth edges created.
It seems the time has come to think seriously, whether or not those UFOs might be the improved vehicles of the same advanced amphibian species, which lived on Earth in ancient times? Cannot they still be colonizing the Earth by populating its vast water space, constructing underwater pyramids with mirror glass walls, like those underwater near the Bermuda Triangle, and, for some reason, avoiding any direct contact with human beings?
For now, it is only an assumption, a subject for a more thorough studying; what should make one suspicious is the amazing similarity in describing the UFO flights in the ancient texts and in the modern reports; the only thing changed is their shape: they were egg-shaped, they became disk-shaped.
Let us list just some examples of anomalies deep underwater, which were registered in our days.
There were sensational reports about Skylab space station crew observing lower water level near the well-known Bermuda Triangle.
What is interesting, the same was written in the Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalionok’s spaceship log: «There is no doubt, and there cannot be any doubt about different water levels of the World Ocean. The phenomenon is rare, but clear».
Similar information came from Valeriy Riumin, another Russian cosmonaut. «I and Vladimir Liahov saw water risings in the Indian ocean – that was as if two great waves clashed fighting!» Interestingly, there was a mountain chain ridge several hundred meters beneath the surface of those waters, which the crew of «Salyut 6», the Russian orbital station, somehow saw from space, through the space station’s portholes.
Other types of the abnormal activity in the ocean deep include shining spirals, which are time to time registered by crews of the ocean vessels passing by. For example, sailors and travellers, who were passing Kuril Islands, saw a bright spot that suddenly appeared out of the night darkness. It was moving fast, gaining in size, and its diameter approached half a kilometer. Out of the spot, there was a bright column of light going up, so bright, that it allowed seeing items on the ship’s deck; furthermore, some of those items began emitting the dim light. Inhabitants of the Far East and Japan are familiar with the phenomenon, and they call it «the Kuril Light» or «the burning circle».
Ocean vessel crews many times logged similar phenomena, as they were passing Gulf of Aden and Persian Gulf, as well as Gulf of Martaban, Strait of Malacca and waters nearby Thailand. The illuminations may take the shape of rotating wheels, surrounding the vessel hulls, and then their shape may change, by splitting into amazing patterns.
Beneath the ocean surface, abnormal acoustic phenomena are also registered on regular basis. Sometimes, those sounds may be so strange, that researchers come to no conclusion at all about their nature. Scientists record, analyze, and even name them in such a manner, which at least might somehow characterize what they might be looking like.
For example, there was the «Ascending», a monotone sound, which was registered on regular basis between 1991 and 1994. Then it disappeared to reappear again after some time. In 1996, the sound became very intensive, something that ocean researchers had never registered before; even more confusing was that the signals were registered simultaneously in the opposite locations of the Pacific Ocean.
Oceanologists have for long time been confused by the sound of «Braking», which was for the first time registered in 1997, and which in some way reminds the noise by an aircraft landing. At present, devices record it several times a year. The sound is recorded both in the Pacific, and in the Atlantic oceans; interestingly, it always comes from the Antarctic continent.
There are other strange sounds with names «Whistle», «Moaning», «Train», which periodically come from the ocean deep; some of them were simultaneously registered by hydrophones, which were several thousand kilometers apart.
It is scientists of the future, who have to answer what those strange sounds arriving from the ocean deep are.
Our mass media several times mentioned unusual activity by UFO in Ladoga Lake, which is very close to the city of Saint-Petersburg. There was a TV-program recently, which was devoted to studying UFO in deep waters of the Baikal Lake. The TV audience heard the eyewitnesses of the events that took place in near-shore zone of Baikal, adjacent to one of Russian military bases.
According to the eyewitnesses, the military divers spotted several unusual humanlike species floating shallow beneath the water surface; there was a command to catch at least one of them. However, as soon as the divers approached those amazing species, the divers were immediately exposed to some unknown influence, they became unconscious for some short time, and they awakened only on the water surface. The influence on people was like electrical shock by some of its features.
The same TV program also quoted other eyewitnesses telling about multiple encounters underwater, in close proximity, with those humanlike species. As one scuba diver told, he even managed to look into the eyes of one of those very unusual humanlike species. At that moment, the scuba diver became unable to move, still being in clear mind, apparently, he might be hypnotized, but was able to analyze what was going on.
It is worth noticing here, that the ancient Greek myths mention the multitude of other amphibian personalities with human bodies and fishtails. Those are Nereus, the eldest son of Pontus and Gaia; Poseidon, the Master of the Ocean, and even Cecrops I, the first king of Attica, who established Athens. Cecrops’s sons, too, were half-human, half-serpents.
Cecrops the Serpent Tail, the founder of Athens
Deserving special attention is the information about the «amphibian» nature of Isis and Osiris, and that was one of the listed secrets of the ancient Egyptian priests. In the ancient Phrygia, not far from the famous Byzantine Empire, archeologists found strange statuettes, which depict the goddess Isis and her husband Osiris-Serapis, as humans with fishtails.
Also, Chinese believed their ancient civilization was established by an amphibian species with a human head and a tail of a fish or a serpent, which was named FuXi and lived 3000 years B.C.His sister was Nu Wa (Nügua), she had a serpent tail, too.
An ancient painting of Nu Wa and Fu Xi.
It is Fu Xi, who is believed to be the author of trigrams and hexagrams from the Book of Changes. Sima Qian, a Chinese historian of the Han dynasty, wrote in the year 720 A.D., that Fu Xi had the body of a snake, the head of a human, and moral virtues of a wise man. He gave the basics of writing, sciences and arts to people.
Chinese myths describe Gungun, a dragon, a monster with horns and the body of a snake. The description reminds the same of Egyptian Seth, as well as Dogonian Ogo. The ancient Chinese Celestial Dragon Chen symbolizes stars of the Orion Belt, which is near Sirius.
In Sumerian texts, God Anu calls Sirius a Bow Star. In ancient China, a bow was constantly associated with Sirius, and the ancient capital of China was named Anyang, or Celestial Yang.
Slavic legends also describe similar humanlike species, Amphibians, living halftime in water. Those humanlike mammal species living in rivers and lakes may be tentatively divided into several categories:
– Vodyanoys with humanlike faces, but having fins instead arms and legs. These species in some way reminds seal-like mammals.
– Berehynias, water half-maids with humanlike appearance, arms, breasts and finlike tail. They are sometime called river maids, svitezhankas, pluskonas, bogunkas, and mermaids.
– There are male Vodianoys also called Vodniks.
– There are male Bereginias, also called Yeserniks, Ozerniks or Ozorniks. As a reminder about those ancient creatures stealing women, the word «ozornik» exists in modern Russian, and it means a prankster or a mischief-maker.
– Vodan, or Vodon, or Poseidon the sea god. According to ancient legends, it was the arch-father of human species of Atlantis. It had a head, a torso and arms like those of a man, while the lower part of his body ended with dolphin-like tail with fins. Slavic tales often describe him as the Sea Serpent, or the Sea King.
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