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How to handle the ups and downs of social media (with Aparna Nancherla)

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How to handle the ups and downs of social media (with Aparna Nancherla)

34 мин.

39 Мбайт

2024 год


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After scrolling through your social media feeds, how do you feel? Empowered and connected -- anxious, or exhausted? When stand up, actor, and writer Aparna Nancherla was just starting out, her jokes on Twitter got her recognition in a way that traditional comedy clubs probably could never have. But having built a comedy career for herself, in large part, by being on the internet, she recognizes that social media is not always fun and laughs. Now, for the sake of her mental health, she limits her time online. On today’s show, longtime friends Chris and Aparna talk about the good and bad of social media, and explore some advice on how best to use it-- or even if we should use it at all. To learn more about "How to Be a Better Human," host Chris Duffy, or find footnotes and additional resources, please visit: go.ted.com/betterhuman

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Дата написания: 
10 мая 2021
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
21 мая 2024
3 065 книг

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