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How This Works

On the subtle plane, a man who bears someone's negative wishes has a foreign connection on the occipital side of the head. Since somebody who craves punishment has a clear image of the responsible person, so he makes a kind of connection to the latter and transmits the “messages” by established channels. Negative thought forms are transmitted by them like through a pipe. Those forms have a direct impact both on the way the person thinks, on what he thinks about, and on what decisions he makes.

Alien energy saddles a man, clogs up his head, redirects his thoughts, brings heaviness and turbidity, creates a sense of apathy and powerlessness, and makes him to see the life in shades of gray. Ignorant person accepts these sensations for his own and builds his life on the basis of them. It begins to seem to him as if everything goes bad, things are not moving, plans come apart at the seams, the years roll by, and there is no happiness ever. His heart becomes heavy and his hands are dropped because of these thoughts. Such a state is the first sign that there is a connection on the thin body by which strange and harmful energy comes.

If we generalize, the meaning of any negative wish is always the same – to deprive a person of love. That's why it falls on women as impossibility to meet a soul mate, to stay with a loved one or inability to give birth to his child. The same applies to women living in marriage, but feeling lonely, deprived of happiness and love. The man affected by such energy, feels as if there is no possibility for him to find his feet, to meet a soul mate, to start a family, to provide it in a proper manner, to feel like a man in every sense of the word.

If you are experiencing similar feelings, there's no need to be afraid. Effect of foreign energy can be identified and removed using special techniques which allow to eliminate connections on a subtle level and replace feelings.

To Be One's Own Master

Lately, advising people, we often face the situation when a person entangled in the problems and quite desperate finds such an explanation of this – I was told that I was cursed, that's all my troubles come from. Speaking of this, the person usually imagines such a witch conjuring with her potions and sending all sorts of misfortune to people.

Thus the person has the right feeling: there is a real flow of alien energy. However, the source of the problem is not a witch-woman, as it is commonly believed; it is much closer – the man himself, or rather, an unresolved issue with some of his relatives. This can be a mother who hasn't approved her daughter's choice; a father who hasn't forgiven his son for something; a brother or a sister nursing a grievance in his/her heart. The feeling of guilt and fear of punishment makes a person go out of his way: he tries to resolve the conflict, explain or justify himself, make amends.

Imperceptibly for the man himself, this goal becomes the basis of his life; it governs all his thoughts, all his time and all of his resources. He tries to achieve just one thing – to earn forgiveness, for only this might remove the burden off his heart and give a long-awaited freedom. But every time the man fails, and would ever fail, if he didn't stop waiting for forgiveness from someone.

One should forgive himself first, as well as allow himself to live a new life without backing up the former scenario of relationships.

Here are some examples from our practice. Man faced a crisis in all the areas of his life: the business collapsed, his wife left with the children, and health problems started as well. The core of this situation was a huge sense of guilt towards his younger brother who had been imprisoned for many years. The man blamed himself all these years: it became his lifework to help his brother and his family. It required more money; the man did not dare to refuse and ultimately lost everything.

In the other case, a young woman could not set her personal life going: a man, with whom she had been dating for a few years, did not want to undertake the next step. They did not live together and did not plan to have children. She felt she was in a deadlock. The reason for that was the unconscious intention of the woman to arrange the life of her elder sister at the cost of her own happiness. Beginning of this model was based on an old case when her elder sister's wedding collapsed. Younger sister considered herself to be responsible for that and then did her best to make amends before the elder. Guilt made a woman to be engaged in her sister's life for years and to do everything possible for the latter was happy. She thought that the worse her own life was as compared to the sister's life, the better it was; because it was the only way she could feel she made amends and earned forgiveness. Once we explained the situation and helped her get rid of the guilt, she felt enormous relief. Shortly thereafter, her life turned around: the long-playing story of unpromising relations ended, and she met a man who loved her and was going to start a normal family life with her.

No one can take a love from a man, lead him astray, and manage his life at all, unless he does not allow doing that with him. There is no man – neither near nor stranger – able to cause such damage to another man, unless the latter has given its consent himself, consciously or unconsciously.

Version Three

Dramatic effects can be avoided if the person, who has been treated unfairly with by depriving of his love, will be able to understand the situation. To understand – means to comprehend what has happened and to change the feelings in his heart.

So, the first thing to do is to understand the reasons for the events and to acknowledge your part in them. Second thing is to get rid of resentment, hatred and revenge, in other words, not to form negative wishes to address anyone at all. In case the protest against injustice was not manifested in a due time, one should express his feelings in any way acceptable for himself: for example, write a letter, or meet and speak out quietly, talk about past feelings, or do all that mentally, in meditation. And then one should forgive the responsible men. Forgiveness of offenders and self-forgiveness is the exact lead, because at this point there is a transformation of negative energy into the energy of love, and the problem leaves a person's life completely.

And, finally, from this moment one should start living with the feeling that the past is left behind. Life makes you wait no longer. Once love has taken its place in the human soul, it is immediately manifested in his life as well.

Being deprived of love, you can be bearing resentment against the offender a lifetime, but you can also forgive and find happiness again. At the moment when the person is emotionally wounded, he faces a choice – to forgive or to revenge. Whichever way may he choose to avenge, he ultimately destroys himself and deprives himself of love for life.

And only the one, who forgives, can start a new life: he can revive himself with the power of his love and open a new chapter of his life, which has everything to make him happy.

Being Talented in All Things

Any contemporary, thoughtful and intelligent individual has not been tempted any more by an idea to make money solely for the sake of sprawling on the beach till his dying day, having no concern of anything and doing anything anymore. The happiness criteria have changed themselves. The most frequently, attempting to give a definition of happiness, the people describe this condition by such expressions as “this is when you succeed”, “when you intend something, and it is accomplished”, “this is such a feeling as if you were tracked from somewhere from on high”. To the foreground there emerges a human need to realize oneself, and not only at work, but in one's life in general. More evident there appears the circumstance that a high achiever of our time is an individual being enthusiastic by his life.

Great Difference

Let us imagine two individuals, being employed in the same sphere, occupying the same position and in the same conditions. However, one of them is fond of his business, and for the other one it is just a job.

The first one wakes up in the morning with joy: In front of him there is the livelong day to be full with blessed events. In the morning he wakes up with ease and he is going to work with joy – he is excited to go ahead with his affairs. The second one wakes up not readily. He is reluctant to get up, however he has to. Onwards, just endless boondoggle is awaiting him, which he is forced to be concerned with on a day-to-day basis.

The first one comes to work in the smooth mood. He is facile in everything he does, and he succeeds in all things. He copes with dozens of affairs simultaneously and performs them easily as if without trying hard. He is pleased with a result himself and he inspires wonder among the others – nobody could have got it done in a better way! The second one makes himself to get down to business. Everything that could be left for the end will be laid aside by him, and he neglects everything that cannot be done right away. He is engaged in his job mechanically, without any spirit. Nothing brings him any joy – neither the process itself nor its result. Just to have it done somehow, and thank goodness. The time keeps jogging on, and it seems as if his working day will not have any end.

The first one winds up his working day with a feeling of pleasant satisfaction. The working day appeared to be a successful one. Probably, it was not easy at all, but he has succeeded! In his head there flock new ideas about, and he is full of plans for the following day. The second one experiences exhaustion and devastation at the end of the day. Just thinking that tomorrow expects him exactly the same day brings him into despair.

Out of this example we can observe that an individual being fond of his business lives a different