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5. What's the difference between Arabic and Turkish coffee?

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5. What's the difference between Arabic and Turkish coffee?

20 мин.

21 Мбайт

2023 год


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This episode is fully dedicated to the history of coffee in the Middle East, and answers in detail the most intriguing question, "What's the difference between Arabic and Turkish coffee?" Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the episode! 

Check up @deareast_pocast instagram and join the @deareast_community in Telegram for more materials on the topic of coffee. 

Song: ROADTOMUSIC - Bounce Music provided by Tunetank. Free Download: https://tunetank.com/track/5565-bounce/

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Подробная информация
Дата написания: 
19 января 2023
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
21 октября 2023
5 книг

Автор выпуска