"It seems to me that humanity is following the wrong path, along the path of destroying itself and the planet. We are creating very little."
Fyodor Konyukhov
Implosion processes in the atmosphere form sharp pressure gradients that can be used to extract energy or move through space. Artificially, such a phenomenon can be caused, for example, by the creation of a device with a paired number of spirals (assembled in the form of side faces of various polyhedral pyramids, which is not news to the followers of N. Tesla), but connected on one side at the top together with an atmospheric antenna through a discharge device. The other ends of the spirals must be plugged with bismuth spheres and closed with a ring along the contours of the polyhedron base. Next, connect this ring with one wire to the coil terminal in the parallel LC oscillating circuit. Ground the second terminal of this coil. At the same time, the winding of each of the spirals should be "planetary", as a derivative of a function of at least the third order (possibly from a Möbius strip of three or more revolutions) and of different materials according to the principle of one in the other. For example, the core is made of graphite or iron, and the coils are made of aluminum, copper, bismuth, etc. Along the axis of the resulting spirals, neodymium magnets or a conductor with an electric direct current can also be laid. Such combinations in vibration systems form a powerful dipole, create conditions for the launch of an accelerating vortex of electromagnetic radiation and form a tension, a gradient of charges under and above this structure, which can be fixed on a wooden or plastic platform. To control the process, it remains to make it rotate in an external perpendicular magnetic field, while the angle between the spirals will change depending on the rotation speed. By tilting the mechanism, you can move the platform to the right and left, up and down like a rocket nozzle. The convergence of the spirals regulates the acceleration and deceleration of the apparatus. A small current of charges can be removed to recharge the starting battery, which initially activates the process of pumping tensions in space and can then be turned off. To do this, it must be connected in parallel to the capacitor of the oscillating circuit. The phenomenon in the form of electromagnetic vortices at a certain stage begins to be stably supported by energy from the outside, and the higher the load, the higher the power of the installation. In the presence of an external body, this scheme allows levitation in space, due to the gradients of various charge densities constantly formed around the device and the resulting implosion phenomena. The higher the density of the surrounding space, the more stable the phenomenon. Probably, it is possible to connect a household consumer of electric current to such a unit in parallel with the battery (see Fig. 1).
In this case, due to the centrifugal effects of charges in the atmosphere, negatively ionized flows of energy (pathogenic for living cells) of increase and expansion are generated over the platform. Here the particles of the medium pass into an unstable state with an increased frequency of structural vortices, which, at the slightest increase in charges from the outside, are capable of instantaneous volumetric expansion. In this case, the outer enclosure serves as a device to balance the deformations of the medium from the impact on it through the reaction of the reaction of the enclosure material, and not from the "gravity" from the outside. In this case, the phenomena of reduction and condensation of the cooled atmosphere arise under the platform as a result of the effects of the formed centripetal flows of vortex charges, circulating perpendicular to the force lines of the already unified dipole of the device. Radial alternating motions of charges of different nature, together with rotation, inevitably form electromagnetic fields of torus-shaped vortices around the installation.
Obviously, if rotation is one of the varieties of non-uniform motion, then the source of rotation deforms the matter of the medium by centrifugal action, and the medium resists the formation of centripetal reactions. As a result, the matter of the environment from all sides from the periphery rushes to the axis of the rotating body. That is, the object of rotation works on the environment of the environment, excites it, gives it some energy.
And then the medium passes from an excited state to a neutral state and returns the received energy back to the source of the vortex in abundance.
The centripetal acceleration of the particles of the medium in the facility creates a kind of external rarefaction of the space around the body, "sliding" from the upper "south" pole to the lower "north" pole and its sharp expansion outward with a decrease in velocities along the outer lines of force of the single formed dipole of the installation. Not only is there a high degree of irregularity, but the velocity vector also changes.
Fig. 1. Diagram of the levitating platform on the spirals of the "planetary" winding
This means that there is a high probability of excitation of denser high-frequency matter of the structure in the atmosphere of the outer space of the environment, which instantly fills the created rarefaction zone with its charges of finer matter. That is why the outer space gives more energy than it receives when it is initially excited. Because its denser high-frequency energy no longer moves in a circle, but centripetally – strictly along the radius of the vortices of our dipole. Probably, this is the explanation for the excessive amount of energy received in response to the excitation of space by various objects with the formation of vortices and dipole structures.
The main thing in the performance of such devices is the simultaneous phenomena of alternation of cold and heat, expansion and condensation of the medium, centripetal and centrifugal effects or fields of negative and positive charges. In all this, one can see the formation of stable unquenchable oscillatory systems with the consumption of energy from the outside, from the dense environment surrounding space. As a result, the phenomena of expansion and increase in the temperature of the cold medium above the installation, alternating with the processes of condensation and decrease in the temperature of the environment under the platform (like breathing in the half-cycle of oscillations), form a tension in space or a gradient of charge densities, which lifts the object upwards by the force of the resulting stable implosion, allowing the device to levitate. As a result, the phenomena of expansion and increase in the temperature of the cold medium above the installation, alternating with the processes of condensation and decrease in the temperature of the environment under the platform (like breathing in the half-cycle of oscillations), form a tension in space or a gradient of charge densities, which lifts the object upwards by the force of the resulting stable implosion, allowing the device to levitate.
Protection against the formed pathogenic fields in this case is simple, but it is necessary to achieve a stable volumetric effect. These are polyethylene sheets, linearly deformed (stretched with force lengthwise), located at an angle of 90 degrees to each other, in at least 2 layers to create a "coherence" effect in each layer to block waves of undesirable frequency. At the same time, a powerful electromagnetic field of the torus is formed around the facility, which is almost complete protection of living cells located inside it not only from the influence of any fields from the outside, but also from contact with any material objects. Such a field allows the device to move in space, including in liquids, at enormous speeds. The mechanism of interaction with the environment space of such a field is quite simple – all the matter inside it (or the object itself) must be fully synchronized with the oscillatory vibration system of this protective field as its structural unit. That is, our attitude completely ceases to be in direct contact with the external environment of the surrounding space, it becomes invisible to it. The environment interacts only with the protective electromagnetic field of the object, which, in most cases, turns into a "cold" plasma. Therefore, our facility, located inside such a field, is able to move quickly enough not only in dense and high-frequency environments, but also in outer space.
What changes occur in matter during levitation associated with other structures or organisms, but generated by similar phenomena? Suppose, that there is a certain "gravitational slip" of the field of one body relative to the field of another, which is expressed as the movement of the body in the direction of the displacement of the zone of energy "comfort". It arises under the influence of gravitating forms, as a mismatch, displacement and slowdown of the frequency characteristics of the vibrational processes of the atoms of matter in them, depending on the distances. The "denser" the environment is, the more "heavier" the vibration systems of the matter not structured for it occur. For understanding, let's look at an example: in a bucket there is a medium of some matter less dense, but coarser-grained, which we will imagine in the form of apples. And there is a denser medium in the bucket, formed by fine-crystalline matter, which we will imagine in the form of a grain. After all, in terms of the volume of space replaced, more grain entered the bucket than apples. The parallel is like an analogue of the atmosphere with its substances and molecules, and outer space with its subtle matter of elementary particles. Try to reach the bottom of the bucket by putting your hand through the apples? It won't work. And now – through the grain? Simply. Mix the apples with the grain. These two media of matter, with completely different properties, are easily mixed in one bucket without interfering with each other. Do they change each other's structure? No. An apple remains an apple, and a grain remains a grain. Do they interact with each other? No doubt. Does this mean that the Universe around us (as well as ourselves) consists of a multitude of matter mixed in a single space, different in its properties, structures and forms of matter, which is basically formed from one and the same, let's say, vortex as a condensation of a medium, a charge? And that is why we can't accelerate a submarine in the water to supersonic speeds, and an airplane in the atmosphere to light speeds, etc.? Probably, here the object is counteracted by the properties of the forms and structures of the environment, which are completely heterogeneous, but which are the basis of completely different, unsynchronized, independent and non-changing environments of a single space. Later we will delve into this topic and look at the processes from the perspective of a new view of the structure of the atom. For now, let's dwell on this understanding.
It is indisputable that the gravitational medium of space affects the oscillatory processes of the bodies that fall into it, but the bodies also deform the general external field. Conventionally, any substance can be considered as packets of standing waves in the body of matter, arising between the nearest atoms, linking them into wave crystal structures, in the nodes of which these atoms are located, being the sources of waves. In this case, matter is essentially atoms vibrating with frequencies that are not perceptible to the eye, on the order of 10 to the 18th power or more. Or, to put it simply, bodies would be invisible if it were not for the ability of matter to reflect and re-emit waves. This means that each substance can also emit into the environment zero-amplitude waves of high frequency, traveling in one direction with a relative phase shift of 180 degrees or with a zeroing of the amplitude in the opposite phase. When their field energy can be detected only at the interfaces of their media during refraction, where part of the energy is released, where a gradient or mismatch of frequencies occurs in the body of matter. That is, each elementary particle of matter, as a vibration system, emits its own synchronized frequencies of oscillations, in the range of which it is stable in the external environment of the environment, and any violations of such an interval of radiation lead to a change in the substance itself. But a body in the gravitational field is voluminous and discrete, so its atoms are at different distances from the object of interaction and the degree of delay in their frequencies is different. Such a frequency gradient inevitably forms a charge current and leads to the deformation of the wave interference field. There is a slide of the "interference picture" from the body into the environment (reminiscent of a spider). Such deformations cause the movement of the entire system as a wave crystal structure of matter, because its atoms will always energetically strive to remain in the nodes of standing waves and are forced to shift behind them. Thus, the entire vibration system of gravitationally interacting bodies moves. Such a directional impact or deformation, when the "body" is forced to move behind its own interference field, is a free fall, levitation or mismatch of the frequencies of the vibration system. We must realize that nature has "a whole cart and a small cart" of such alternations of phenomena that cause the processes of levitation of objects, but they are all arranged according to the same rules of interaction.
Does this mean that any body can be affected by a certain spectrum of radiation to achieve the effect of misalignment of its vibration system in order to control its movement and create conditions for levitation? That any object, including a person, can pass into unstable states of matter, depending on the change in the frequency of vibrations of the atoms of one's own body in the high-frequency spectra of radiation, disappear and reappear? Turn into plasma and return back to the state of matter, lose weight and thereby fly freely in space? After all, in a standing wave, unlike a traveling wave, there is no transfer of energy, but only a spatial pumping of energy of one type into the energy of another type with a double frequency, as electric to magnetic or kinetic to potential. Only standing waves are installed with complete reflection from the boundaries of various media, in the absence of attenuation in them. Otherwise, traveling waves also appear, which deliver energy to the absorption or radiation zones. Perhaps it is enough to create a minor arrhythmia in the vibration systems of your own cells, molecules or atoms inside the body by an effort of will, and the "gravitational spider" will lift you into the air!
It is obvious that the nature of any waves is electromagnetic, and any substance behaves in the same way as in artificially created electromagnetic waves. Does this mean that the cause lies in the structure of matter, in its wave nature? In the wave nature of the bonds between the elements of matter? When two conductors are insulated and charged, we say that electrostatic phenomena act between them, which manifest themselves in attraction, repulsion, or tension, which arise in the bodies themselves, in space, or in the external medium. These effects control the movement of atoms, the intensity of collisions and compounds, the formation of the structure of matter, and generate the energy of heat or light. If, for example, we create a volumetric electromagnetic field in an object, the waves of which neutralize each other in the opposite phase to form standing wave fields. Then the equal but opposite effects of the waves that repel each other form a neutral zone or zero point at which zero electrical resistance of the materials is present. That is, matter is neutrally charged in relation to the space of the environment, inert to electric charges in it. This means that it is completely displaced from the volume of the substance of the magnetic field or the effect of negative magnetic susceptibility is created. This means that the magnetic field (charges) of the medium does not spread in the substance, bypasses it, and the object can levitate in the external magnetic field, "push" out of it, since it is material, and there are charges in it.
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