In any case, all this is the result of the interaction of charges: their number, polarity, density, location in space, etc. And we know that the repulsive forces are the higher, or the higher the efficiency of shielding bodies, the higher the speed of their rotation. In this case, the structures of their vortices in the form of charges and dipoles interact with a large number of each other's radiations. And, of course, it is necessary to take into account the effect of rarefaction inside the vortex itself, and, therefore, the compression from the outside increases, striving to form stable forms of matter. Unfortunately, in this chapter we will not dwell in detail on the effect of densification of the matter of the medium in the contact zones of a multitude of opposing vortices from various objects in space. As a result, a kind of mobile volumetric "web" of different densities of matter charges is formed, very similar to the image of a neural network. In fact, it is a single information-energy network of all matter in the space of the Universe from the micro- to the macrocosm (see Fig. 4).
It can be assumed that this is the universal system of transmission of information-energy radiations of the Universe through the environment with its "autobahns" at speeds higher than the speed of light and "Nano lanes" with a low capacity for the energy of charges. Nature does nothing for the future, it exists only in real time and only according to its own rules of interaction. And it is instantly reflected, imprinted in the matter of the environment from whirlwind to whirlwind, announcing the phenomenon to the entire Universe. The "pictures" of the vortices themselves change, or new forms are formed. And the question of accepting or ignoring this information is already a question of the presence of "species" connections between the objects of interaction. Do you have the right to ask, why "forever"? And I have the right to answer with a question: how long do protons, electrons, etc. "live"? Information is inseparable from its carrier – matter, like electricity and magnetism. This means that each of us leaves his or her own continuous trace in the history of space, where every moment of our life is preserved in countless copies – reflections of events in the elements of the forms of matter of the environment.
At the same time, we are not considering here a lot of other phenomena involved in the processes of energy exchange between objects. For example, the mechanism of exchange of information and charges, in case of significant changes in their properties and possibilities of interaction in the contact zones of waves generated by the vibration of objects, especially when conditions arise for the formation of standing waves or resonance phenomena. Or the processes of formation of streams of sound waves during collisions of elementary particles with the matter of the environment, which, even at rapid light speeds, are "echoed" into space, changing the density and speed of motion. Or the questions of invisible matter, where and how does it grow from the invisible medium to the matter of the visible medium and vice versa? And in general, why can't you create, for example, food or water using the matter of the environment? After all, it is only necessary to correctly and completely scan the object, its structure and activate the reverse process of information and energy radiation of this data, almost like on a 3D printer?
Fig. 5. Solar plasma flows (photoshop)
Fig. 6. Activating the pixels on the monitor screen (photoshop)
In fact, any matter grows and multiplies up to a certain point, and there is no boundary between inanimate and living forms, because both have the same opportunities for growth and reproduction as tools of interaction in nature. And there is no number of proofs of this around us. In fact, any matter grows and multiplies up to a certain point, and there is no boundary between inanimate and living forms, because both have the same opportunities for growth and reproduction as tools of interaction in nature. And there is no number of proofs of this around us.
Or, what is the actual process of moving a physical body in space? It is well known, for example, that the Sun carries a mass of energy through space and loses its weight. Is this true and why has the weight of the luminary not been exhausted over billions of years (see Fig. 5)? And, if this is not so, then maybe it only excites and activates internal mechanisms in the structures of many forms of matter right in the very environment of the space of its own environment? Including in the environment surrounding the planets of the system, setting information – energy parameters for the origin of matter with their directed signals – radiation? And information and energy, as they move in the space environment of the Universe, activate or "inseminate" in resonance or "love" similar "species" counter radiations that coincide in structure, frequency, period and other parameters, generating the greatest variety of forms of matter and elementary particles directly from the matter of the space environment itself, including the environment of the planet itself. Thus, not everywhere in the Universe do various forms of matter arise from solar radiation, but only during the phenomena of resonant contact of recognition with counter "species" waves. This phenomenon is very similar to the sound of the second tuning fork tuned in unison in the next room when the first one is activated, and it explains a lot about this world.
In nature, there is nothing superfluous for "logistics", why waste the energy of charges, if its different density, as the building material of all things, is present everywhere in space? This is far from a reasonable path for the evolution of matter. Does it follow from this that the movement of objects, including living ones, in space is the movement, or vibration, or radiation not of a physical object, but vice versa – it is a physical object and is the movement of information-energy impulses? Which, in the process of movement or radiation from the initial source in its single form, for example, an embryo or cell, or an atom, molecule, etc., as a "growth point", interacts with the matter of the environment – grows, changes its structure and shape. It feeds on the energy of fields from the outside, as charges of external objects, develops and mutates in accordance with the initially laid down information-energy influences in the form of the internal memory of the source formed in space from the matter of space itself. Again, as a result of the interaction of "species" radiations of the structures of many forms of matter. This is very similar to a hologram or the movement of images on a computer monitor display as the color pixels on the screen matrix are activated (see Figure 6). But with one difference – the clot of density of matter initially activated by the information-energy impact does not disappear in nature, but continues its movements (or vibrations, or radiation) in space on its own. By consuming "species" energy from external fields of different densities of the environment, due to the properties of electricity and magnetism of vortex dipoles, it can transmit and maintain not only the energy of translational, but also rotational motion of each other, depending on the volume of objects and the number of charges, constantly repelling and spinning each other from all sides. Until the full cycle of endlessly repeating harmony of the rhythms of the body's life is completed, as information stored in the memory of the "growth point" of the object by two sources of "species" resonance radiation. As two "beginnings" of nature. And there are numerous confirmations of this information reaching us in the form of radiation from long-disappeared space objects located billions of light years away from us, in fact, "phantoms". However, this is confirmed by any real crystal, as well as any living creature.
Physics does not at all contradict the possibility of creating "phantoms" of any, including a living object, as an exact copy of the original event that occurred in the distant past of its life. After all, leaving its information in the "past" around us in the surrounding environment, it is completely preserved and reaches us in the matter of the present. And we, of course, can find it, read it, change it, even materialize clones, but not in the past, but in the present. We understand that any kind of energy carries certain information, and energy and information are interdependent, we have already mentioned this. But their effects on the matter of the medium of propagation are different – one is transmitted according to the laws of opposition of the environment, and the second is a reflection, an image of the event. Even events from the past, such as a shot from a gun next to us. We see the flash, hear the sound, and feel the fading energy of the effect of powder gases on the environment, but as events from the past in our already changed present. But in our memory, we record all the information and interact with the environment, analyzing the past and present, and assuming future events. Therefore, information for the environment is "transparent" and spreads in space under certain conditions almost instantaneously.
It is obvious that in everyday life we constantly make decisions and interact with the world around us not only through the analysis of "phantoms" of events that have already happened. For example, you see a tree with green foliage at some distance from you (see Fig. 7). Naturally, you perceive this object in your present time through information that reaches your senses after some time. That is, through the information copies of the tree left by its vibration system when it affected the common environment with you some time ago, in the past, at the amount of its distance from you. Can you feel this tree in a single present tense? Yes. But to do this, you need to approach it and touch its leaves, branches, and trunk bark in order to combine the rhythms of your vibration systems into one joint object (see Fig. 7). Does this mean that each of us has an individual, different present time?
Fig. 7. A tree with foliage far away from us and nearby
Fig. 8. Lightning flash (photoshop) (photoshop)
Yes, it is possible that the real present time of the "observer" is individual only for himself. Everything that he sees around him in the present time is himself, as his own material object, and everything else is like copies of past events, that is, information or "phantoms" of events in his present environment. But copies of events recorded by this particular "observer" in his present time, because they are around him as reflections from real objects of the environment, fixed by him at a distance.
Can we say with absolute certainty that time exists outside of the "observer"? Imagine that you are in a dark room where there is nothing: no movement in space, no heat, no bodies of any kind. Will you have the opportunity to assess this situation where there is no change? No. Will you have the opportunity to observe the passage of time? No. Has time stopped for you in this situation? Yes. Why? But because you do not have the opportunity to compare the changes in the events around you, they are unchangeable for you. All living things born on this planet are adapted, read synchronized, initially only for the conditions of life on this planet, in this huge unique vibrational system. And what is the difference between the mechanism of movement of objects in the macrocosm described above? For example, lightning or a tree in the process of their growth, or a person? Nothing. Look at a tree – first the trunk grows, then the trunk branches, then the thicker branches, then the very thin ones. Isn't this similar to the discharges at the moment of a flash of lightning (see Fig. 8)?
It is obvious that the growth of matter and its distribution are directed in the direction with a lower than intrinsic density of energy in space, where further processes of strengthening the influence of charges, etc., take place. but also, its reflection on the infinite distances of the Universe. This is the mechanism of creating in space not only a substance, but also a copy of it, not only an object of vibration, but also a source of its information. Our body is no exception, it moves in space as an integral structure of a living form due to the almost instantaneous interaction of all our dipoles, charges, fields with the same forms of matter in the. We are part of the environment because we are made up of the same thing. By moving, we excite the space around us, and every moment of new events and positions in the environment, it acquires exactly the outlines of our body with all its defects, functional capabilities, properties and dynamics. All the energy of our body in the aggregate of all its charges, vortices, dipoles, fields with a full package of acquired informative mutations contained in their internal structures of vibration systems, moves in the medium of space with the speed of light and more. Constantly maintaining the structural density of charges in all its organs, including receiving energy from interactions with sources of vibrational systems of matter from the outside. At the end of each movement, the medium transitions, or tends to, its previous energy state before it is excited by us. And all this with only one goal – to ensure the viability of the body in a changing world. The energy of a given density and form of matter flows through space, using the matter itself in the very medium of space. And all events, or interactions of matter, are essentially continuous multi-channel, modulated information. To put it simply, we in our world are the mobile energy of the densities of charges of matter, where its component, or the shell of each of the structures that form it, and as a result of the body itself, is operational "information". What a great opportunity for the realization of this knowledge opens up for the recovery or artificial correction of the condition of any living being! For example, a person with health disorders can be immersed in the archival field of the matrix of his own informational and energetic still healthy state and correct the acquired defects using the natural processes of regeneration and repair of the body in the immersion environment. No medications or side effects. The same result is possible through close relatives.
Now let's try to summarize all of the above and remember that vibrations or oscillations are radiations that transmit both energy in the form of charges and information in the form of copies, images, imprints of events or phenomena that have occurred as interactions of vibration structures, dipoles, and bodies with each other. There are no voids in space without matter. "Nothing" does not exist. The gaps between various objects are compacted by the vortices of the environment involved in the movement of matter. Vortices that are formed as a result of the rotation and motion of an innumerable number of elementary particles, atoms and other forms of interacting matter constantly appearing and disappearing in space. It is obvious that any matter is a process of energy exchange, both with the external environment and within its form. And the exchange of energy is a movement, a flow of charges, which makes a phenomenon, an event. And any field is the result or consequence of the property of matter to vibrate, radiate, and condense the waves of vibrations of its vortices in the medium of existence, as a gradient of charge density. It can be said that any oscillatory circuit or vibrational system of the microcosm is a part of the structure of matter with its electricity and magnetism, and any substance radiates, and any radiation is a field of the structure of matter. One is impossible without the other. Consequently, energy is an analogue to radiation in the range of the frequency spectrum of any matter. Thus, vortices of different energy, or the number of charges, interacting with each other and repelling each other, create the elasticity of the medium of space, condense it, filling the voids with low density of matter, form conditions for the constant presence of a gradient in space, thereby invariably stimulating the possibility of an innumerable number of displacements and rotations of dipoles, vibration systems, particles, bodies, etc., always striving to create stable and stable structures of matter in the Space. The history of the development of matter for billions of years has proved that any of its forms tends to grow, become more complex and develop, increasingly densifying the space of the Universe. Life is an unlimited synthesis of matter. This means that with the increase in the volume of matter in the environment, the number of energy information systems around us will invariably slowly but steadily continue to increase. Probably, space has been building a single form from the matter of its own environment by trial and error, annihilating and creating again for billions of years.
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