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– No, my lord, – he put on his head an incredible helmet in its performance, which is even difficult to describe. «I swear on my life, they won’t even notice you. – One side of his magic helmet, as if melted and flowed, stretching out in intricate contours with sharpened needles in the side. The slightly parted mouth contorted into a triangle, widening to one side, as if mocking. On the other hand, there were, red, hard bubbles growing on top of each other, from the temple to the very jaw. White eyes of various shapes, and bulging purple, branching stripes resembled veins, as if in animation, they moved across the entire surface of the helmet. From both hands of the unique warrior, four blades jumped out, around the wrist, on each side. They were attached to the sleeves of this strange, hard material that looked more like plastic or glass than iron. These were not just knights, but the personal guard of King Shadakh. His most unsurpassed in the martial art of war. Among these handsome men, it seems, there were even women. One could guess from the proportions of their bodies. As computer game characters, disguised in voluminous fully covered solid suits, some had significant tapering in the waist, more characteristic chest protrusions, and wide hips. These slender chickens would look great in cinematography, but not in a real carnage. Therefore, their demonstration, in fact, is only a demonstration. Shadakh does not allow them to participate in fierce battles, and more often, they are in the rear, together with the king, observing what is happening from the side. But this does not mean at all that the women in armor were simply disguised concubines. They perfectly mastered the sword and small arms. In battle, hardened by training, the ladies could compete with any of Shelber’s ordinary soldiers. The rest of the warriors of this elite squad are truly the greatest masters who have trained all their lives, from birth. Thirsty for blood, they entered the battlefield to once again show what they are capable of. Shredding enemies to pieces, they tried not to move far away from their leader. In the midst of the battle, one of these warriors, ten men, was surrounded on all sides. Furiously defending himself from the spears flying at him, he still missed a stab in the back. But, this blow did not defeat him. From the blow, only the tip of the spear broke. Spinning around, he shook his hands down, and four more blades extended in a similar fashion to the four blades. They crawled out of the hand, then stretched forward. The tips of all the blades joined together like fingers and created small, bright balls. Continuing to beat the badubs, his power increased tenfold. These balls generated electrical discharges, which, when touched, instantly hit the enemy, throwing their bodies back several meters. Without wearing a helmet, following his bodyguards, Shadakh finished off crippled enemies. The battle dragged on for two hours. This time was enough for the Bedubs and Jews to understand who they had contacted. The retreating Jerichans lost their command and rushed scatteringly. The ruthless guards of Shadakh pierced the bodies of enemies like helpless little children. One of the last soldiers, crawling backwards, begged loudly for mercy. To which the warrior, in fantastic armor, silently threw off his iron helmet. He grabbed his head like a ball and lifted his whole body for it, putting the poor man on his knees. Then, four, protruding on the sides of the blade, sharply closed, and cut the skull, like an apple, into four equal shares.


In the distant, distant times, when the world capital Vayelon was a small tree in the Rohvem Valley, and Shelber, the isolated Nahmau tribes reached unprecedented heights in development. These are the only tribes of Mesopotamia that are not descendants of the Natufian culture, and North African, and any other alien cultures. They belong to the unheard of Veliriam culture in northeastern Europe. They had their own, built from scratch, a language whose writing is not like any other writing in the world. Is that, on some symbols of Tifinagh. Want to know what characters? A circle. Only. In their writing, only combinations of large and small circles resembling atoms were used in orbit. Minimum, there could be one not large circle, on the verge of one large circle, maximum – four. They could only take positions at 90 and 45 degrees. They had 11 vowels and 19 consonants. And, also, 30 syllables. Each syllable, in writing, was a repetition of all letters, only, with a circle in the middle, like the nucleus of an atom. Most of the syllables were also consonant. Sometimes, they consisted of only one consonant, and could even denote a whole word. For example, the syllable «khkhp», meaning uncertain agreement. The semantic message, something like, «I think differently, but I have to agree.» When pronouncing this syllable, instead of «h», «a» is heard. It is quite difficult to reproduce this, therefore, their speech gave rise to many dialects that are not similar to each other, like the Osiris. The Osiris language, by the way, can be called the progenitor of the Semitic language group. And, unfortunately, the Nahmau language has completely sunk into oblivion. Not to say that he was expressively beautiful in sound, but very original, and could express the deepest feelings in one word, where in modern languages you have to write a couple of sentences. The abundance of consonant sounds, and the length of the letter «h», the Nahmau themselves explained by the fact that their ancestors, who lived in the far north, suffered from sinusitis. It turns out such a ratchet speech, as if the nose is stuffed up. Also, they had their own count (hundred-fold frame of reference), which reduced the duration of a second, almost in half, and much more. They left behind a deep trace that simply disappeared in an instant. Despite the complete disappearance of the physical heritage, they still managed to change the history of all living things. This was indicated by a lot of evidence and artifacts of that era. Ultimately, their sudden disappearance was as mysterious as their appearance. The deeds of the greatest nahmau – Selim Svurt, put him above the gods. However, neither the date of birth, nor the place of birth, nor the date of death, nor the place of death, even his own governors do not know. So did he ever exist at all? Or is it just a specially invented deity? Two hundred years later, only half of the Nahmau themselves believed in its real existence. The rest do not consider Selim Svurt to be who he is being given out. His identity is documented, and there is no doubt about his existence. Doubts creep into his deeds. All of his works refer to the «drugged knights of Shelber», the scientific committee under his father Shadakh, and other circumstances. However, even the wise Nahmau admit that there was the last prince in their family who could turn our world into an illusion. One day, he allegedly met a foreigner. The one who gave him absolute knowledge. According to legend, a wanderer named Grul came from the valley of Eridu, later enslaved by the treacherous king Shadakh. In that valley, lived mostly savages, and small tribes of their fellow Nahmau, who surrendered without a fight. A sick man of unknown origin traveled through the lands of Mesopotamia, enlightening the leaders of wild tribes. He had a companion – his sister and concurrent mistress. This woman had a genetic breakdown and stopped aging. Then, as from constant incest from generation to generation, everyone in their family suffered from Progeria – premature aging. Trying to find the key to his sister’s immortality, hoping to rid himself of the curse, the ingenious Grul began to study the genetics of her body. And he made a lot of scientific discoveries on the way to his goal. Having learned the basics of the chemical and biological structure of DNA chains, stem cells, proteins and amino acids, at about the age of twenty, he began to model new molecular bonds. It seems impossible to solve such problems without using computer technology. Therefore, according to legend, although the place of origin of the wandering sage is not indicated, there is an assumption that he came on a mission from another world, and from another planet. Having recovered from his illness, the almighty sorcerer did not stop. Further, he single-handedly developed self-replicating artificial cells, from which he modeled an exact copy of his perfect organism, immediately allowing his clone to get rid of the decrepit, sick original. In a new image, he continued to improve the world around him, reaching the very origins of the universe.

Having written down his knowledge in three books, he distributed them to the most chaste leaders of that time. Arkhva is the king of the Osiris of Giza, Dagshe is the leader of one of the most mysterious and isolated civilizations of the Levrimites, the Eridu Valley, in Iran, and Selim is the crown prince of Nahmau. After the death of these individuals, all the books were lost without a trace, except for one. In addition to the book of Selim Svurt, which he safely hid in the most inaccessible corners of the Shelber castle. From time to time, attempts were made on the book. Someone wanted to destroy it, seeing in it the prescription of the apocalypse, someone just wanted to reveal the secrets of its content. One way or another, one day, she had to be secretly transported to the underground, laboratory catacombs of Vayelon. Gruel disappeared just as suddenly and mysteriously. Therefore, practically no one believed in its very existence. His eternally young sister died from the bite of a poisonous spider, fleeing from the pursuit of the «intoxicated guards of Shadakh» (later became better known as the «immortal phantoms of Saltorin»). But, all the fun started ahead. After his departure, the policy of the great Svurt finally took over the world, penetrating so deeply into all spheres of life that people practically began to go crazy.

Reconstruction of the Shelber castle, 8008 BC

Gloomy, golden columns, like the hall itself, are shrouded in shadows. And only small yellow stripes fall to the floor from long, narrow windows, with thick, dull glass. The sun’s rays illuminate the flying fine dust and barely noticeable details of the interior of the throne room of the observation tower. This tower protrudes from a huge beige building of a mesmerizing gray castle. A beautiful carpet with embroidered engraving is spread along the entire hall. There is a majestic armchair, the back of which is shrouded in blue flame, like a waterfall flowing upwards, merging with darkness. It quickly distorts and changes shape. With a piercing, eerie creak, opposite the magic throne, the gate to the balcony swung open. A man in extraordinary wavy armor, on which various solid formations flowed in waves. Like a kaleidoscope, they created wonderful symmetrical shapes. Sharpening crystals near the shoulders, convex squares on the lower back, gradually transforming into polygons, then into stars, into petals and strange polyhedra. Standing with his back to the hall, he slowly let go of the stone handles in the form of flying kites. He also slowly approached the white, thick railing, arcing around the stone floor, decorated with mosaics of square slabs of various sizes. The heels on his rigid, similarly wavy, fluid shoes glittered gold. They were hollow, of thin walls, decorated with patterns of various curling stripes. With his left hand, he grabbed the edge of the curb. His pale, thin fingers are wearing large, beautiful rings. Bending over the abyss, he looked down. With his right hand, he took a prismatic device, similar to binoculars, hanging around his neck, and brought it close to his eyes.

There, from below, work was in full swing. To the beat of drums and the sounds of trumpeters, a huge army of slaves twisted and twisted various, incomprehensible mechanisms. These are huge steel gears that raise a whole range of different elevators to different heights for each tower. Suddenly, there was a deafening grinding sound. On the rails, spiraling up around one of the buildings, a miraculous mechanism is rolling, reminiscent of a carriage with two hydraulic units, at the ends of which giant saw blades are fixed, which cut something right into the wall of the building. Sparks flew tens of meters away. This mobile sawmill was operated by some mutant sitting inside a carriage. This is one of the civil engineers. In silver, stylish armor, dressed like a knight of the Middle Ages, his equally shiny head was wrapped in foil. His face is completely covered with dents and irregularities, bumps and microcracks, and his cheekbones, brow ridges and chin protruded unnaturally strongly. Blue lips and bloodshot eyes twitched constantly. He firmly held on to the control levers with both hands, using the power steering, turning the three-meter discs in the desired direction. But dozens of other people below were responsible for lifting this car up. With the help of physical strength, they twisted a strange coil, with a long shaft standing across it, like a carousel. This shaft grabbed a whole chain of gears, which eventually caught the wheels of the rolling stock. Huge platforms moved between buildings. The stone blocks, the size of a two-story house, were pulled by giant, furry mammoth-like animals. Tightened ropes, over the top of one of the towers, stretched into the hands of the harnessed people. They, like mammoths, are wearing fetters that line them up in an even formation of three columns. Pulling the cables as they count, they flatten the heavily tilted tower, around which are built wooden bridges and many gear mechanisms. They were shouting into the loudspeaker up there. It was they who gave the bill to the pulling people from below. And, at the moment of the jerk, when the tower rises slightly, the people at the top sharply insert the levers into an incomprehensible device, such as a jack, fixed between the gears. This was done so that the structure would not fall back to its side. Although, if you look closely, this tower is not broken. It was originally built with the existing curvature, in combination with other skyscrapers, twisting at different angles. These bold design and architecture decisions are not realistic. They defy the laws of physics, and this excites the imagination. Then why do you need to make any changes, fix something? Perhaps the builders want to bring this style to perfection or, to present it in a slightly different way, more to their liking.

People’s feet slide over the smooth concrete that has been laid throughout the surrounding area. They fall to their knees, trying to catch their breath and catch their breath, as a hellish blow from a fiery whip immediately flies in the back. A frightening tall creature that closely monitors the work. They are called caretakers or overseers. Monsters, devoid of even human form. In black robes and glossy red steel vests, ribbed tails protruded from the back like lizards. The heads are terribly deformed. The top of the skull is extended forward, and the round jaw merges with the neck. Their mouths are tightly sewn up with thick threads, and holes are ripped open in their throats, into which are inserted jaw-holders with teeth curved downward like claws. Bald, gray heads and completely black, slightly sunken, as if filled with ink eyes. And the long legs are tightly bound with iron on all sides.

– Push! Push! – the monster growls choking. Another caretaker tapped him on the shoulder, pointing up. Throwing its head against the main tower of the tallest building, the creature whined even louder. – Selim is out!! He’s looking at us!! Work lazy, until I fry you. «He began to beat all the servants in order with his long fiery whip».

– I see him for the first time in two years, – his colleague looks up with admiration.

«And I only saw him once,» he answered, interrupting from the beatings. – Five years ago, in the village of Doeh.

– What is he doing? – the second warden interrupted him.

Lowering his lens device, leaving it hanging around his neck, attached to a leather belt, continuing to stand on the balcony in the same place, this guy slowly removed what looked like a crown from his head. His face did not appear from under the crown. On his head is wearing a frightening, stone mask, with twisted large, same stone eyes, or rather one right eye, the incision of which goes somewhere at forty-five degrees. This facial asymmetry was a little creepy, but not scary. Revealingly raising above the head this wonderful, in-depth, frame, like a helmet covering the entire head, made of tubules bent by petals connected to each other. The bottom is gold, and the top is silver, with large gems sharpened upward, green rubies in the center, and red diamonds on the sides. Carefully leaning the crown to his chest, without thinking twice, he silently threw it down. Thus, publicly renounced power in the Shelber Valley. Since that day, no one has seen Selim Svurt again.