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Light and Dark Images of Apocalypse

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Light and Dark Images of Apocalypse

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Время чтения ≈ 2ч

2017 год


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549 руб.

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О книге

The Apocalypse is the Revelation of Jesus Christ about the Kingdom of God on earth. At first, will be "Millennium", and after it - the renewal of all the life, when the Holy Spirit will enter the soul and the body of resurrected man. In the first phase humanity will be headed by the Grand Prince Michael: the Archangel, merged with man. Against him will fight the forces of evil: Satan, the Antichrist and the false prophet. The outcome of the battle will be decided by the victorious manifestation of Jesus Christ. The struggle is connected with natural cataclysms, but there will be no "end of the world".

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Подробная информация
Дата написания: 
1 января 2017
Год издания: 
Дата поступления: 
29 декабря 2017
Время на чтение: 
2 ч.