This is the seventh nakshatra, represented by an arrow and bow, with the animal symbol being a cat. It spans between 20°0' in Gemini to 3°20' in Cancer, with Jupiter as the ruling planet, and the deity being Aditi.
According to Vedic astrology, this nakshatra governs the accumulation of wealth and abundance. It is also connected with productivity, noble activity, and protection of children.
Those born under this nakshatra possess unlimited energy and inner strength; they came into the world to face certain trials in life. Their joy for life helps them adapt easily to changes caused by obstacles.
These individuals have a philosophical mindset, strong spiritual convictions, and wisdom. They are generally generous, charming, and forgiving. They exhibit inner simplicity and aspirations to live in the present.
Typically, these individuals are tall, with a round and elongated face, a well-defined bone structure, and they often have a mole or identifiable mark on their face, head, or shoulder.
Such personalities have a sense of self-worth, high moral values, kindness, tenderness, and sensitivity. If their gentle approach doesn’t work, they can become aggressive.
These are artistic individuals who love art, literature, poetry, and may succeed in tourism, marketing, spirituality, and environmental fields.
They are obedient, respectful children who honor their parents, though they often do not adhere to family traditions. Their marriages can be complex, especially if there are health issues or chronic illnesses. Their homes cannot be called peaceful and calm, as there is often stress and worry. Nervous disorders and stress may lead to digestive issues.
Destructive Degrees for Planets in Punarvasu: Ketu – 20° in Gemini, Moon – 22° in Gemini, Mars – 25° in Gemini .The aspects of the Sun or Jupiter on these planets (at destructive degrees) in the birth chart improve the situation. Otherwise, they may bring troubles or negatively affect longevity. It is important to be cautious and not start new ventures during Ketu, Moon, and Mars transits in these destructive degrees.
Janma (Starting something) – Punarvasu
Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth) – Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada
Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune) – Ashlesha, Jyeshta, Revati
Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security) – Ashwini, Magha, Mula
Pratyak (People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this) – Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha
Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships) – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha
Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people) – Rohini, Hasta, Shravana
Mitra (Helpers) – Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta
Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends) – Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha
Pada 1 – Aries Navamsha (20°0' – 23°20' in Gemini)
Mars rules this pada. These people are very active, expect quick results from their work, and organize and lead teams to implement their ideas.
Anxiety, a desire for harmony and abundance, and curiosity combine with energy, a will for change, leadership, emotional outbursts, and a sense of superiority.
This pada is very suitable for turning ideas into reality. The energy of Punarvasu Nakshatra can lead one to daydream and talk too much about world peace without concretely realizing their ideas. However, this pada, located in the sign ruled by Mercury (Gemini), provides qualities such as rationality, the ability to use intellect, and the courage to act.
This pada produces architects, engineers, and those who create something concrete.
Pada 2 – Taurus Navamsha (23°20' – 26°40' in Gemini)
Venus rules this pada. These individuals are not as active as those in the previous pada. Their work is based on caring for others, material prosperity, and material pleasures. They can create a place where people receive comfort, protection, care, and new knowledge.
This pada can give a person skillfulness, sensitivity, and nervousness.
This is the more material part of Punarvasu. The calculated energy of Mercury is directed by the wisdom of Jupiter (ruler of the nakshatra) and realized through the beauty, pleasures, and material goodness of Venus.
Fields associated with this pada include the restaurant business, modeling, tourism, import/export of goods, finance, creativity, kindergartens, schools, and many others.
Planets here receive support. The Moon brings curiosity, harmony, stability, and practicality to a person.
Pada 3 – Gemini Navamsha (26°40' – 30° in Gemini)
Mercury rules this pada. Such people highly value speech, communication, receiving and exchanging information. They possess high intellect and extensive knowledge, which they convey to others through their actions.
Mercury here provides eloquence, politeness, and language knowledge.
Planets in this pada express themselves very positively. If the Moon is located here, the person can handle multiple projects simultaneously, have several children, be educated and curious. Venus here brings high intellect, wit, irony, and objectivity.
Pada 4 – Cancer Navamsha (0°0' – 3°20' in Cancer)
The Moon rules this pada, and it also rules the nakshatra, calming it. This pada has strong lunar energy and is considered one of the best sections of the zodiac.
These are caring people with good intuition who listen well to others, understand their psychology, and accept them as they are. This pada is motherly, nurturing, and brings out the motherly qualities of the Punarvasu Nakshatra. It also provides sensitivity and sensuality.
In this pada, attachment issues may arise (to children, a loved one, or projects).
Any planet located in this pada becomes sensitive. Jupiter is exalted here. Mars, despite its debilitation, brings positive results.
This is the eighth nakshatra. Its primary symbol is a cow’s udder, and the symbolic animal is a sheep. The cow’s symbol signifies generosity, good upbringing, and a selfless nature. Pushya lies entirely within the sign of Cancer, covering from 3°20' to 16°40' in Cancer. Its ruler is Saturn, and the deity is Brihaspati.
These individuals may have an attractive appearance, charm, and often possess the potential to earn money and hold a good position in society. If their moral and religious principles are challenged, they may become aggressive. They are fragile, vulnerable, and often experience sorrow and mental pain. They do not have a particular body type or overall appearance. Many of them bear a distinguishing mark: a scar, mole, or a limp.
The decision-making process can be overly complex for them. They prefer others to assume responsibility. It is known that these individuals often fall victim to peer pressure, as they struggle to stand their ground in challenging situations.
Those born under the Pushya nakshatra have high intellect, which is not dependent on their level of education, and they are excellent conversationalists. They are capable of achieving significant professional success, but their success tends to fluctuate. There is a tendency for betrayal from business partners or impulsive decision-making, which can lead to financial losses.
Suitable professions for them include fields related to communication, education, and marketing. It will always be beneficial for them to expand personal and professional boundaries to sustain ongoing professional success.
They are loyal to their parents. Marital relationships are strained due to challenges in trusting others. However, patience will help them find a suitable partner and build strong relationships.
They may face serious health problems from childhood. In later years, there is a tendency toward liver diseases, digestive issues, and respiratory ailments.
Destructive Degrees of the Planets in the Pushya Nakshatra: Sun – 6° in Cancer, Saturn – 9° in Cancer, Ketu – 10° in Cancer, Rahu – 11° in Cancer, Mercury – 12° in Cancer. If in your natal chart, a planet occupies these destructive degrees in Pushya, caution is advised, and it is best not to start anything new when they transit through these destructive degrees.
Janma (Starting something) – Pushya
Sampat (Days and people bringing wealth) – Ashlesha, Jyeshta, Revati
Vipat (Days and people bringing misfortune) – Ashwini, Magha, Mula
Kshema (Days and people bringing ease, prosperity, stability, and security) – Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha
Pratyak (People who tend to criticize us, provoke emotions, and the days associated with this) – Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha
Sadhana (Days and people leading to completion of matters, projects, relationships) – Rohini, Hasta, Shravana
Vadha (Inauspicious days and dangerous people) – Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta
Mitra (Helpers) – Ardra, Swati, Satabhisha
Atimitra (The most beneficial days, good friends) – Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purva Bhadrapada
Pada 1 – Leo Navamsha (3°20' – 6°40' in Cancer)
The Sun rules this pada. These individuals may openly express their care and support for others in a characteristic manner. It is important to them that others recognize the good they do, acknowledge their investment in public matters, and their concern for those around them. This pada brings pride in family or lineage, a desire to attain wealth, and attention from everyone. Planets in this pada yield strongly positive results.
Pada 2 – Virgo Navamsha (6°40' – 10° in Cancer)
The ruler of this pada is Mercury. These are modest people, concerned with how others view them, oriented towards hard work, and often have very high aspirations. Their activity is often connected to agriculture. All planets here, except for Venus, bring something positive.
Pada 3 – Libra Navamsha (10° – 13°20' in Cancer)
Venus is the ruler of this pada. There is a focus on the home, comfort, and luxury. These individuals enjoy speaking, have beneficial social connections, and wish prosperity for everyone. The drawbacks of this pada include superficiality and conformity. Professions related to counseling, speaking, and teaching are suitable. Mercury, the Moon, Venus, and Saturn do well in this pada.
Pada 4 – Scorpio Navamsha (13°20' – 16°40' in Cancer)
Mars rules this pada, making the person aggressive and intrusive in their concern for others. They may turn themselves into victims or become violent and harass others. These people do not know boundaries, whether in care or in love. Disappointment with someone may cause them to feel insulted and remain angry for a long time. Only Venus and Jupiter are strong here, provided they are not afflicted.
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