Цитаты из книги «The Little Prince» Антуана де Сент-Экзюпери📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook. Страница 4

Цитаты из книги «The Little Prince»


“You are an ordinary boy to me as any other thousands of boys. I don’t need you. Consequently, you don’t need me. I am just a fox to you as any other thousands of foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. In a whole world, you will be unique to me. And I will be unique to you.”
15 марта 2023


“I can’t play with you”, said the fox. “I am not a tame animal.”
15 марта 2023


He became sad. His beauty told him it was the only one of its kind in a whole universe. There were five thousand identical roses in this garden! “My flower would be very upset if it saw this garden”, he thought to himself. “It would cough awfully and pretend it was dying to avoid being laughed at. I would pretend to bring it to life because if I didn’t do it the beauty would really die in order to humiliate me…”
15 марта 2023


People don’t have an imagination. They repeat everything you say to them… I had a beautiful flower on my planet. It always started a conversation first…”
15 марта 2023


He couldn’t see anything except the spiny mountain tops.
15 марта 2023


“I should be able to see a whole planet with all the people on it from such a high mountain”, the Little Prince thought to himself.
15 марта 2023


several years ago. You never know where to look for them. The wind blows them away. They don’t have roots so their life is very difficult.”
15 марта 2023


“You are not very powerful. You don’t even have legs. You won’t even be able to travel…” “I can transport you further than any ship will do”, the snake said.
15 марта 2023


“It’s so lonely in a desert…” “It’s very lonely among people as well”
15 марта 2023


Advise them to count themselves. They love numbers, they will like it. But don’t waste your time doing this unnecessary job yourself. There is no point. I know, believe me.
14 марта 2023

