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Landmarks in French Literature
Landmarks in French LiteratureLytton Strachey Landmarks in French Literature TOJ.M.SCHAPTER I ORIGINS—THE MIDDLE AGES When the French nation gradually came into existence among the ruins of the Roman civilization in Gaul, a new language was at the same time slowly evolved. This language, in spite...
Stories from the Trenches: Humorous and Lively Doings of Our 'Boys Over There'
Stories from the Trenches: Humorous and Lively Doings of Our 'Boys Over There'Carleton B. Case Stories from the Trenches: Humorous and Lively Doings of Our 'Boys Over There' THE MAN WHO “CAME BACK” ONE of the strangest of the many personal romances which the war has brought is the tale of a man w...
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 19, No. 540, March 31, 1832
Oliver Twist. Volume 2 of 3
Oliver Twist. Volume 2 of 3Charles Dickens Oliver Twist, Vol. 2 (of 3) CHAPTER XX. WHEREIN OLIVER IS DELIVERED OVER TO MR. WILLIAM SIKES When Oliver awoke in the morning he was a good deal surprised to find that a new pair of shoes with strong thick soles had been placed at his bedside, and that ...
Επτά επί Θήβας
Επτά επί ΘήβαςAeschylus Επτά επί Θήβας ΥΠΟΘΕΣΙΣ Το δράμα τούτο, το οποίον δικαίως ο Αριστοφάνης εις τους Βατράχους του ονομάζει «Άρεως μεστόν», αποτελεί μέρος τριλογίας, της οποίας τα δυο πρώτα δράματα, απολεσθέντα, ήσαν ο Λάιος και ο Οιδίπους. Όπως εις τας Ικέτιδας και τους Πέρσας του αυτού ποιη...
Two Years Ago, Volume II
Two Years Ago, Volume IICharles Kingsley Two Years Ago, Volume II CHAPTER XV. THE CRUISE OF THE WATERWITCH The middle of August is come at last; and with it the solemn day on which Frederick Viscount Scoutbush may be expected to revisit the home of his ancestors. Elsley has gradually made up his ...
Jane, Stewardess of the Air Lines
Jane, Stewardess of the Air LinesWheeler Ruthe S. Jane, Stewardess of the Air Lines Chapter One Graduation Night Jane Cameron looked breathlessly around the room where seventeen senior nurses of the Good Samaritan hospital at University City sat primly awaiting their diplomas. It was graduation n...
Sämmtliche Werke 4: Mirgorod
Sämmtliche Werke 4: MirgorodNikolai Vasilevich Gogol Sämmtliche Werke 4: Mirgorod / Gutsbesitzer der alten Zeit / Taraß Bulba / Wij / Wie Iwan / Iwanowitsch und Iwan Nikiforowitsch sich entzweiten / Die / Equipage Vorrede des Herausgebers Die in diesem Bande vereinigten Erzählungen bilden die For...
Miscellaneous Aphorisms; The Soul of Man
Miscellaneous Aphorisms; The Soul of Man Wilde Oscar Miscellaneous Aphorisms; The Soul of Man The mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death. Women are made to be loved, not to be understood. It is absurd to have a hard and fast rule about what one should read and what one shouldn't. M...
Four in Camp: A Story of Summer Adventures in the New Hampshire Woods
Four in Camp: A Story of Summer Adventures in the New Hampshire WoodsFour in Camp: A Story of Summer Adventures in the New Hampshire Woods TOTHE CHIEF, COUNCILLORS ANDFELLOWS OF SHERWOODFORESTCHAPTER I INTRODUCES NELSON TILFORD, AND WITNESSES HIS ARRIVAL AT CAMP CHICORA “That’s Chicora over there...
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