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906. The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe (Learn English with a Short Story)
In this episode for Halloween I read out a classic work of gothic horror fiction by Edgar Allan Poe, then go through each line and explain vocabulary and discuss the themes and meanings of the story. Get the story PDF https://teacherluke.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/906.-The-Tell-Tale-Heart-b...
928. The Abduction (Learn English with a Short Story)
Learn English with another short story on Luke's English Podcast. This one is about a learner of English who has an extraordinary experience. Listen to me tell the story, and summarise it, then explain plenty of natural, commonly occurring, up-to-date English vocabulary.Episode page https://teach...
927. Walk & Talk: Medieval Museum ⛫ (with Amber, Paul & Kyle)
Finally, it's here - the medieval museum episode with Amber & Paul. Join us as we visit the museum of the middle ages in Paris. Learn about the history of the middle ages, find out about some of the art and artefacts from that period, including some fantastic symbolic tapestries, sculptures a...
910. FUNNY ENGLISH SIGNS ? Explained (Part 1)
Let's look at some funny examples of badly-worded signs from around the world (including UK & USA), which show the ambiguity and unintended consequences of unclear English. I analyse lots of signs, explaining the errors and offering improved versions, using them as teaching moments to illustr...
926. Oral Storytelling Traditions and the Mental Health Benefits of Listening to Podcasts
The other day I was thinking about how podcasts must be good for your mental health, and how this could be connected to the tradition of collective oral communication which was the first form of mass media in most human civilisations, and how this has been central to human psychological and cultu...
891. The Bilingual Journalist (with Charles Pellegrin)
Talking to bilingual journalist Charles Pellegrin (France 24) about how the conventions of broadcast journalism influence the way the English is used in news reports, how Charles started as a journalist, the challenge of making TV news reports, our time at university, the Olympics in Paris, and C...
887. Walk & Talk: Health & Diet (Phrasal Verbs)
Join me as I take a walk along the embankment of the river Seine from Louvre to Ponte Marie in the centre of Paris. This time the topic is health and diet. Watch out for the phrasal verbs I use during my ramble!Episode page https://teacherluke.co.uk/2024/06/17/887-walk-talk-health-diet-phrasal-ve...
883. A Last-minute Rambling Episode
A spontaneous monologue about being taken by surprise by public holidays in May (in France), a podcast recommendation, and seeing a hard-rocking and hilarious band perform live in a big arena last week. Includes a song at the end as a tribute.Episode page with links etc https://teacherluke.co.uk/...
882. 47 "Funny" Country Jokes, Explained Learn English with Humour
Here's a list of jokes about different countries which I found on the website Bored Panda. I'll tell you the jokes and then explain them all (dissecting the frog), including any homophones, double meanings or specific cultural references. Can you "get" the jokes? Do you find any of them funny, or...
868. How the USA is changing (with Lindsay McMahon from All Ears English)
Talking to Lindsay from All Ears English about social, economic and political changes happening in the USA (and the UK) at the moment.Includes some rambling and a song at the end of the episode. Episode page https://teacherluke.co.uk/2024/02/12/868-how-the-usa-is-changing-with-lindsay-mcmahon-fro...
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