Цитаты из книги «Travels with my aunt / Путешествие с тетушкой. Книга для чтения на английском языке» Грэма Грина📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook.
“It’s a millionaire’s house,” I said. “You jus wait[265]”, Wordsworth replied.
29 February 2024


You will come one day and see my dahlias, won’t you
17 April 2021


: at a funeral they are apt to come unbidden
15 June 2020


who had a good head for heights
15 June 2020


I met my Aunt Augusta for the first time in more than half a century at my mother’s funeral. My mother was approaching eighty-six when she died, and my aunt was some eleven or twelve years younger. I had retired from the bank two years before with an adequate pension and a silver handshake[1]. There had been a take-over by the Westminster and my branch was considered redundant. Everyone thought me lucky, but I found it difficult to occupy my time. I have never married, I have always lived quietly, and, apart from my interest in dahlias, I have no hobby. For those reasons I found myself agreeably excited by my
29 October 2019
