Цитаты из книги «A Christmas Carol. The original manuscript» Чарльза Диккенса📚 — лучшие афоризмы, высказывания и крылатые фразы — MyBook. Страница 1

Цитаты из книги «A Christmas Carol. The original manuscript»


"Expect the second on the next night at the same hour. The third upon the next night when the last stroke of twelve has ceased to vibrate.
27 March 2022


Once upon a time – of all the good days in the year, on Christmas Eve
27 March 2022


The Phantom slowly, gravely, silently, approached. When it came near him, Scrooge bent down upon his knee; for in the very air through which this Spirit moved it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery.
27 March 2022


He told me, coming home, that he hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk and blind men see."
27 March 2022


"As good as gold," said Bob, "and better. Somehow he gets thoughtful sitting by himself so much, and thinks the strangest things you ever heard.
27 March 2022


It was clothed in one simple deep green robe, or mantle, bordered with white fur. This garment hung so loosely on the figure, that its capacious breast was bare, as if disdaining to be warded or concealed by any artifice. Its feet, observable beneath the ample folds of the garment, were also bare; and on its head it wore no other covering than a holly wreath set here and there with shining icicles. Its dark brown curls were long and free: free as its genial face, its sparkling eye, its open hand, its cheery voice, its unconstrained demeanour, and its joyful air. Girded round its middle was an antique scabbard; but no sword was in it, and the ancient sheath was eaten up with rust.
27 March 2022


She left him; and they parted.
26 March 2022


He was not alone, but sat by the side of a fair young girl in a mourning-dress: in whose eyes there were tears
26 March 2022


old Fezziwig, clapping his hands to stop the dance, cried out
26 March 2022


At sight of an old gentleman in a Welch wig, sitting behind such a high desk, that if he had been two inches taller he must have knocked his head against the ceiling
26 March 2022



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