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Цитаты из книг автора «Unknown Unknown»


The new play was a failure. After the first act, many left the theatre; at the end of the second, most of the others started out. A cynical critic as he rose from his aisle seat raised a restraining hand. "Wait!" he commanded loudly. "Women and children first!"
3 июля 2020


"I suppose I must admit that I do have my faults," the husband remarked in a tone that was far from humble. "Yes," the wife snapped, "and in your opinion your faults are better than other folks' virtues."
3 июля 2020


To one asking what is beauty, a wit replied: "That is the question of a blind man."
3 июля 2020


mind, and she was ever accounted the foremost
30 июня 2020


c, which was attributed to an inadequate and inferior water supply. Upon the assembling of the Legislature in 1799, an association of individuals, among whom Aaron Burr was the moving spirit, applied for a charter for the purpose of "supplying the City of New York with pure and wholesome water." With a capital of $2,000,000, the project was
6 февраля 2019


n a rising ground pouring water from an urn which forms a river and terminates in a lake. On the exergue will be inscribed 'Seal of the Manhattan Company.'" There are nine banks now in existence whose history reaches back into the Eighteenth Century. Of these, two are in Massachusetts, two in Connecticut, one in Pennsylvania, one in Delaware, one in Maryland and two in New York. Corporate banking in New York began with the organization of the Bank of New York by Alexander Hamilton in 1784, which
6 февраля 2019


ntry, has a substantial volume of bank deposits. But it was originally established as an "Office of Discount and Deposit," and is today primarily a commercial bank, seeking the active accounts of merchants and manufacturers and extending them accommodation in keeping with their credit and standing, for which the diversified c
6 февраля 2019


This growth has been made along healthy and normal lines, and not by absorbing or consolidating with other banking institutions. The fact that the Manhattan Company is an entirely independent institution has doubtless assisted its growth in recent years. The steady increase in both the deposits and the surplus of the Manhattan Company is evidence of its vitality, its sound banking traditions and its ability to keep its methods
22 января 2019


and State was of great strategic value to the political party in control, and naturally aroused jealousy
22 января 2019


This growth has been made along healthy and normal lines, and not by absorbing or consolidating with other banking institutions. The fact that the Manhattan Company is an entirely independent institution has doubtless assisted its growth in recent years. The steady increase in both the deposits and the surplus
22 января 2019
