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The Ice Monster

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The Ice Monster

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2019 год


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О книге

From No. 1 bestselling children’s author, David Walliams comes his biggest and most epic adventure yet! Illustrated by the artistic genius Tony Ross.This is the story of a ten-year-old orphan and a 10,000-year-old mammoth…Read all about it! Read all about it!ICE MONSTER FOUND IN ARCTIC!When Elsie, an orphan on the streets of Victorian London, hears about the mysterious Ice Monster – a woolly mammoth found at the North Pole – she’s determined to discover more…A chance encounter brings Elsie face to face with the creature, and sparks the adventure of a lifetime – from London to the heart of the Arctic!Heroes come in all different shapes and sizes in David Walliams’ biggest and most epic adventure yet!

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