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Summary: Accidental Genius. Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight and Content. Mark Levy


Mark Levy

Оригинальное название:

Accidental Genius. Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insight and Content


What is freewriting?

When there is a problem that is difficult to solve head-on, workarounds are needed. Mark Levy is convinced that we already have the answers in our heads. You just need to learn how to extract them.

The mind stores a huge amount of information and knowledge. Thoughts, dreams, memories and desires constantly arise in our minds. We think that they appeared spontaneously. What if that is not the case? We give birth to them.

There is a mechanism that is yet unknown to us, but in certain situations it switches on, giving rise to brilliant hypotheses, breakthrough discoveries, or just great ideas. We don’t know how it works, but we do know what affects it. Apparently, there is a skill that allows you to get access to what is in your head at will.

How do you like the idea of changing your life for the better through writing? Freewriting is a writing skill that can help you find solutions to any life situation. It can become the basis of a successful career for journalists, copywriters, bloggers and book authors. Texts created in this way will become even more attractive to your audience, and the process of writing them will become more efficient. In fact, anyone can benefit from the skill of freewriting, regardless of age or profession. It helps people get to know themselves and the world around them, while promoting further personal development.

The Benefits of Freewriting

▶Increases the efficiency of the brain.

▶Forces the brain to think more widely, deeply, and less stereotypically.

▶Helps to generate fresh and ingenious thoughts.

▶Allows you to use the power of your own intelligence to solve life’s problems.

Being an educated person, you must have thought, "The benefits sound amazing. Tell me right now, what is it going to cost me?"

Well, you will have to write a lot. Then write some more. And then write some more. And do so every day. But freely and sincerely. Anyone can develop freewriting skills, as freewriting is a system. Below you will learn the six principles of freewriting, as well as get to know many of the techniques used by Freewriters, which will enhance the effectiveness of this technique.

It is important that we write for ourselves. The goal of freewriting is to sort out our thoughts, to move to a level of thinking beyond the scope of everyday life. The main part of this book is devoted to the development of this skill in this context.

However, freewriting can be used to solve any problem, including the need to write ingenious texts. The author cites many recommendations for those who write to the general public.

In any case, having the right attitude is vital. If you want to learn everything all at once, stop reading this summary now. If you want to learn piece by piece, and gradually, then continue reading. This type of attitude can lead to success for those who choose to learn freewriting.

Everything Should Be Natural

Turn Off the Inner Critic

How often, before you start to say something, you begin by saying it in your head? Gotcha! This is

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