«Far Afield» читать онлайн книгу 📙 автора Scott Brown на MyBook.ru
Far Afield

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Far Afield

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2009 год


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О книге

FAR AFIELD is a literary comedy of manners set in a fictitious island nation in the South Pacific, somewhere between the Japan and Indonesia. It tells the story of a vacationing Asian-American journalist, Benjamin Inoue, who gets swept up into a cascading chain of events and who becomes the campaign manager of a buffoonish and megalomaniac island scion who is running against his younger brother for presidency of the small and forgotten island. Along the way, he becomes ensnared in a progression of dubious and absurdist events orchestrated by dubious and unreliable characters, all of which have their own hidden and conflicting agenda that they force Ben into serving. In its scope, concerns, and satire, FAR AFIELD aims for the literary territory of the early novels of V.S. Naipaul, as well as Graham Greene’s “Our Man In Havana.”

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Дата написания: 
1 января 2009
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