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Trixie and the Dream Pony of Doom

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Trixie and the Dream Pony of Doom

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2018 год


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О книге

Trixie is a fun and fiesty free-thinker who never seems to hear the word ‘NO’!Trixie has a heart of gold and a love of animals so big it even includes nits! She’s passionate about vegetarianism, music and Building a Better World.All Trixie has ever wanted is her very own horse – and when her gran wins money in a competition, Trixie's dream finally comes true. But the pony turns out to be more of a nightmare than a dream come true – after all, where DO you keep a pony in a suburban house? In the bedroom? Worth a try, maybe. Trixie's brain will have to work overtime to solve this one!With fun and quirky illustrations throughout and laughs on every page, the Trixie stories are guaranteed to entertain.

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