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The Healthy Thyroid: What you can do to prevent and alleviate thyroid imbalance

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The Healthy Thyroid: What you can do to prevent and alleviate thyroid imbalance

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2018 год


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Thyroid health is an increasingly common concern. This updated edition (formerly titled 'Thyroid Problems’) is a clear and practical guide to symptoms, treatment options and self-help measures for those who have, or think they may have a thyroid related problem.Sales Handles:• It’s estimated that 1 in 10 women have a thyroid imbalance**, but as symptoms are diverse the problem is often unresolved. This book shows how to identify a thyroid problem, relieve symptoms, and obtain treatment.The symptoms of a thyroid imbalance include Chronic Fatigue, Weight Gain, Mood Swings, as well as dried out skin and hair, changes in libido and menstrual problems.This new edition has been fully re-structured and includes a large amount of new material to reflect the needs of today’s readers.Contains detailed information about natural health and complementary treatments to help relieve symptoms.Gives the low-down on thyroid hormone tests and other orthodox medical procedures that may be offered.Is an informative yet simple book that provides a ‘patients-eye’ view of thyroid imbalance so readers can better understand their doctors.Discusses the links between sub-clinical thyroid problems (the most common sort – that cause longterm problems but are hard to pin down) and other conditions such as depression, obesity.

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