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Alphabet of the Human Mind
Psychology flagship
Nikita Danilov
Ekaterina Danilova

Photograph Irina Fentsik

Cover designer Olga Tretyakova

© Nikita Danilov, 2019

© Ekaterina Danilova, 2019

© Irina Fentsik, photos, 2019

© Olga Tretyakova, cover design, 2019

ISBN 978-5-4485-1126-4

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

About authors

Photo 1. Authors of AHM.

Authors of the book “Alphabet of the Human Mind” are Spouses Nikita Danilov and Ekaterina Danilova.

While others were engaged in burning their lives, Nikita deeply studied such phenomena as Nonviolent Revolutions and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). These areas are extremely popular today, but unfortunately, there was no education in Russia in these specialties. Therefore, Nikita received knowledge in the US universities, but this was not enough! Then Nikita found everything that was related to the Human Psyche and was available in Russia! But even there were no answers that would satisfy the Author!

How are non-violent revolutions organized and why are possible? What is NLP and why does it work? Can this be protected to use it? Can this be used without risk to one’s health and others? And many such questions! To give accurate unambiguous answers, it was necessary to create a fundamental classification for all existing psychology and now it became available to everyone’s understanding, even without special education! This classification affected not only the field of research of Nikita, but everything connected with the Human Psyche! The results are stunning and do not cease to amaze!

Nikita received a higher education in the field of software development, where He reached significant heights. NLP and Nonviolent Revolutions turned out to be very close to the main specialty of the Author. In the first case it is an attempt to program one person, in the second – the crowd!

Ekaterina has a higher artistic education, She is engaged in sculpture, jewelry art and web-design. In addition to formalizing the classification of AHM, together with Nikita, They founded several successful Internet projects, such as Online Netty Scheduler (NettyOS.COM), SitesForPremium.COM and others.


Hello, dear readers! The fact that you took the book and decided to get acquainted with AHM already worthy of respect!

There is a proverb: “In Russia, two problems – idiots and roads!” In fact, a few logical moves the second paragraph is limited to the first and can reformulate that saying so: “In Russia, the root of all evils – idiots!” AHM affects this particular problem, which today is no less urgent than a century ago. But AHM – a science, so we will not use LI (more – Glossary and head of LPJ) and become immediately expressed scientifically!

Why AHM can solve this problem, and before that to no avail? The problem has not been solved and it is a fact! The answer is very simple and very scientific!

People who have Particularly-Primitive type of Mind (PPM) cannot talk fluent about something related to their psyche. From the Full Model of Personal Human Space (FMPHS) it will be seen that the PPT – is the absence of the mind, as the basic unit of a Healthy Personality. As bricks when building a house or a castle – which is not exist! So there are no other higher levels. In particular, the level of ELOQUENCE.

But what instead of these levels? Instead, these levels – Crutches of Public Opinion (CPO). Or in other words, a lot of verified Particularly-Primitive Judgments (PPJ) at different levels of the Human Psyche. Therefore CPOs determine what topic can speak PPM and feel at the same time healthy and normal psyche, and what is not. AHM, along with profound scientific knowledge provides Treatment CPOs (TCPOs) or Treatment-Submissive AHM CPOs by AHM existence. This means that not only a professional will be able to understand and talk about the Human Mind and not only Mentally Healthy Person (MHP), but PPM too. By allowing anyone to discuss the subject freely, AHM provides management tools for solving the most important problems: personal, family, Russian and the world problems.

Only one way in the current world situation can save Russia – quickly gain healthy mind the whole country and provide “Strong Figures” to develop, build and strengthen Russia! Or become yourself a “Strong Figure”, but not through the last century, destroying Talented People!

This book was written for Russian people, but generally this is science and actually for everyone in the world, who has Mind and Psyche! Healthy and disabled – so for everyone! ☺


The picture on the title page provides a key understanding of what is AHM and how it works. All that is shown there has a profound meaning. George Victorious: The symbol of a Healthy Psyche. Dial: AHM more precise then Swiss watch and as necessary in the modern world as the exact time. Compass: indicates a form of mental illness, personality types and Mental Health, if it is.

MHP – Mentally Healthy Person on the side of the North, as Mental Health completely cold to the symptoms of mental illness. At the same time MHP has reasonable/deliberate: the kindness, the greatness and the aggression (for example aggression to the enemies of the Motherland). And there’s something else 4th – this is Human with a capital letter!

KF – Kind Form on the part of the East where the sun rises. The main symptom of this form is unreasonable and thoughtless “kindness”, which is often, becomes evil to others and the person himself because of hastiness. LPJ: “Kind Extrovert” by Jung or “Сomplaisant Extrovert.” Extrovert in a nutshell: “emotions out”.

AF – Aggressive Form from the South. This form is characterized by a constant manifestation of unreasonable aggression towards others. Aggression is manifested every time an insane man envies something. Constantly invent existing and non-existent reasons to manifest unreasonable aggression towards innocent, which is weaker than him, often Kids. Any reason need AF to society is not called representatives of AF abnormal. Global NLP, movies, Interstate 60, the city lawyers. The most susceptible to the “silver” form. Prohibited to do something good for this form. Only good Nonviolent Psychotherapy, if you have to communicate. LPJ “Angry Extrovert” by Jung. Possible: “Greedy Extrovert” or “Stubborn Extrovert.” It is important that the PPM does not go to an Open Form (OF). Open Form for AF can be expressed in the insults or damage to the property/health. AHM – your friend.

DF – Depressive Form from the West, where the sun sets. The prevailing Manic-Depressive Syndrome. This is the most “dark” form and the “light of truth” (the diagnosis or symptoms) it neutralizes (NLP, film – Underworld). This form should get unreasonable and thoughtless majesty, which is a symptom of mental illness, otherwise, falls into a depression. If majesty is touched – the unreasonable aggression symptom may occur. The easiest way to find a common language, and is more prone to GCM. Typically, DF – is the result of the fact that a child was not allowed to engage in favorite things, destroying initiative, together with a healthy child’s psyche, as salvation – part leaves in MDS, which triggers the PPM. LPJ “Introvert” by Jung. Introvert in a nutshell: “emotions inside.”

PPM – Particularly-Primitive type of Mind is a mindset that cannot accept anything else except Particularly-Primitive Judgments, which are, in turn, the root of all mental disorders. MHP has Generally-Complex type of Mind (GCM).

It is not fully revealed the depth of meaning… Do it!


This book is for Those who love Their Mind!

Until now, there was no clear understanding of the human psyche and a measure of health. Many famous people have tried to build a model of the human psyche, to make the description of the various aspects. But until now there has not been a universal exact model that could accurately answer all the questions that relate to the human mind and the inner world of the person.

Now such an opportunity exists! It is no accident on the main page shows the dial. Find the form and the presence of mental illness is now as simple as a diagnosis of acute respiratory disease, SARS, etc. With Swiss precision. Also, it is possible on the basis of the facts to say that the person is mentally healthy. Modern science has advanced so much that can make the chip using nano technology. It would be naive to believe that psychology would be to rely on public opinion in the science of incompetent people. AHM allows everyone to see the presence of mental illness or mental health people around. Sometimes, it can be very useful and very important. Accuracy assessment of the human psyche depends on the level, who studied AHM: Newbie, Experienced, Professional and Expert. Alphabet of the Human Mind does not require special education, all the concepts are combined so succinctly and clearly that it can learn everyone. From the standpoint of AHM easily possible to describe everything about the human psyche. For example, you can say what was right and what was wrong the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, extending and expanding the classification extrovert/introvert to 100 percent accuracy and understanding.

One of the most effective tools in AHM for the treatment and understanding is LAUGHTHERAPY, therefore, in this book, there are some “funny” moments. The main problem is that mental illness is blocking contacts with common sense and the mind, so to communicate with mentally ill people developed a unique and a new language, which has no analogues in the world’s languages, programming languages, but it includes a lot and is an effective and proven means for communicating with the masses and individuals. This language is called – Language of Primitive Judgment (LPG). It will be explained in detail how it works.

AHM needed as teenagers living in modern reality, and an experienced psychologist. Based on this section of psychology can be explained the motives of the individual or group and be ready for the standard course of events, when it comes to PPMe.

AHM takes the best from everywhere, including gives you the opportunity to consider all the religious direction from the standpoint of psychology, because it is directly related to the activities of the higher levels of the Human Psyche.


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