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14 Days Ketogenic Meal Plan New
Easy Guide for Beginners – The Keto Reset Diet
Natalie Kordon

© Natalie Kordon, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4490-9842-9

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


I really appreciate your dedication and efforts to download this book which is among a series of other books that are intended for guiding and motivating some other individuals.

If you have decided to jump into the amazing world of Ketogenic Diet, then you have most certainly come to the right place!

This whole book has been written in a very friendly and easy to understand manner that would very easily catapult you into the Ketogenic world without any worries.

And the best part is that, even if you are an absolute amateur in this field, you will still be able to jumpstart your diet with ease!

Throughout the book, I have included a good number of amazing recipes alongside a terrific meal plan to give you a firm idea of your diet.

Nowadays, a healthier body and an ideal weight is the desire and concern of many people. Many people (and maybe you) have tried a lot of dieting methods with all of the hard treatments. Some individuals may prefer to pay expensively to attain the ideal body weight they had desired.

Responding to this fact, in a relatively short period many dieting methods are popping up. Surely, all of them offer the fastest way to lose your weight. Completing with awesome programs, all of these dieting methods seem too good to be ignored. Once a dieting method is promoted, a troupe of people is tempted to try. Even, they may jump from a dieting method to another dieting method.

The fact is that no matter how hard people have tried, it seems that there is no progress at all. Some people may lose pounds of weight and gain many kilos in a short period. How can this happen? Surely, all of the dieting methods are good. However, everyone has a different body condition. This is why; a method that is good for somebody may not be effective to the other one. It is important to know which dieting method that suits to your body so you will effectively reach your ideal body weight without wasting your time.

Ketogenic diet can be said to be a dieting method that encourages the liver to produce more ketones. Normally, after the mealtime, your body will change the carbs you consume into glucose. Glucose is chosen as the main energy source as it is the molecule in the human body that is easiest to convert. As glucose fulfills the need of energy for the body, the fats stay and heaped up in your body.

By this ketogenic dieting method, the number of carbs intake is tightly limited and the body will reach a condition called ketosis – a condition where the body tries to survive when the food intake is low. As a response to this condition, the liver will change fats into ketones that will be used as the energy resource. By doing this dieting method, hopefully, the amount of fats in the body will reduce so you will reach your ideal body weight with healthier body condition.

Besides an ideal body weight and healthier body that will take you away from many dangerous diseases such as type 2-diabetes, high cholesterol level, etc.; another interesting advantage of having ketogenic diet is that you will feel lightweight and surely be more energetic. Moreover, as your health is better you can say good-bye to acnes and get a fresher appearance.

Read on to enjoy the great recipes outlined in this book!

What is Ketogenic Diet or Ketosis?

The general definition of the word “Keto” is derived from a bodily metabolic process known as “Ketosis.” This process is what allows to body to lose weight so fast while under a Ketogenic Diet.

In the simplest and Layman’s terms, the definition of the word “Keto” is derived from a process known as Ketosis.

What is Ketosis you say? Well, it is the process through which the body releases a chemical called Ketones which significantly helps to lower down the level of fats in our body and sustain all your activities well. When there is scarcity of carbohydrate from the food you take, the fat in your body is burnt to provide that energy, which your carbohydrate could not provide. As a consequence of the process, ketones are produced.

An important aspect that you must keep in mind is that you should not get confused between ketosis and ketoacidosis, which is an even more harmful procedure that takes place in the body. However, if you have adequate fat in your body, the ketones are not made use of.

Most importantly, a balanced diet is the best way to have a great metabolism as the optimum amount of fat is burnt and also whether the ketones will be burnt or not is regulated. And if a diabetic with untreated diabetes has ketosis, it is a sign that the hormone insulin is not being optimally utilized in the body.

I will tell you how that works in just a bit.

But, let’s get back to Ketogenic Diet first.

So, the primary aim of a Ketogenic Diet is to basically down your carbohydrate input to a very basal and minimal level, while at the same time doubling on your fat intake.

And this is precisely why Ketogenic Diet has also been known as a High-Fat-Low-carb Diet all around the world.

Thanks to that, Ketogenic Diet is also called “High-Fat-Low-Carb Diet” amongst people of different niche.

However, before fully explaining how a Ketogenic Diet works you need to learn to appreciate how the body controls its Glucose and Insulin levels.

To make things clear and easy, whenever our body is taking up a significant amount of Carbohydrate, the production or glucose and insulin start to rise as well.

One thing you should know, though, that Glucose is a pretty flexible convertible molecule, which the body uses whenever energy is required.

Alternatively, Insulin works as a means of countermeasure if the level of glucose in the bloodstream goes beyond normal levels. If the degree of glucose in the blood is low, insulin levels lower down. On the other hand, if the glucose level rises, insulin helps to lower it down.

You might be wondering now, what does all of these have to do with losing your weight right?

Well, whenever your body is in a constant supply of glucose, it starts to break it down rather than fat to get the energy! So, burning down Fat is entirely avoided here.

Even if you end up running all day and are in need of an energy boost, the fat just stays there in your body instead as the glucose is being burned for the energy, causing the fat to keep accumulating.

As long as you are on a high carbohydrate diet, the fat levels won’t come down because the body is always breaking down Carbohydrates.

And this is where Ketogenic Diet kicks in!

Whenever your body is derived from a good supply of carbohydrate, it throws the body into a state of “Ketosis” where it will release the aforementioned chemicals called “Ketones.”

Ketones then greatly help to encourage the burning down of fat from our body.

And Since fat is usually present in abundance in our body, the body always feels energetic to the core.

History of Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic Diet became very trendy as a treatment for epilepsy seizure in the mid 1920s and 30s. It was developed to give a substitute for non-mainstream fasting, which had established triumph as a therapy for epilepsy. On the other hand, the diet was ultimately discarded due to the beginning of new anticonvulsant therapies. Though it emerged that the majority cases of epilepsy could be efficiently restricted by using these medications, they were still unsuccessful to attain epileptic control in around 20% to 30% of epileptics. For these folks, and mainly children with epilepsy, the diet was re-introduced as a method for the administration of the condition.

The part of fasting in the management of the disease has been acknowledged by mankind for thousands of years and was first considered by Greek physicians and Indian physicians. An early thesis in the Hippocratic Corpus, “On the Sacred Disease,” depict how a modification in diet play a role in epilepsy organization. The similar author also explains in “Epidemics” from the collection, how a man was treated for epilepsy when he desist consumption of food or drink. These days, the same diet is being considered in the medical community with applications to all sorts of diseases. Certainly, most of the medical interest in the diet is aimed to increase a line of “ketone” drugs to copy the diet. Ketones, which the body can create at some stage in fasting or “starvation,” are substitute energy source for those who are insulin defiant. Insulin resistance is seen as the main cause of numerous diseases. A study shows that a diet rich in fat or low in carbohydrates and protein could preserve ketosis for a long period of time. This study also led the development of Ketogenic diet.

Normal Diet VS Ketogenic Diet

With a normal diet, the body produces insulin and glucose. Glucose is the easiest form of energy the body can convert to utilize, so it’s chosen over any other energy source in the body. Insulin is created to process the glucose that’s in your bloodstream. Because glucose is being used as the main source of energy, the fats you consume are not needed and are stored. Usually, on a normal diet filled with carbohydrates, the body uses glucose as its main fuel. With farming and modern agriculture, a normal diet for many people includes a diet with a large portion of calories coming from foods high in carbs such as wheat, rice, potatoes, etc.

Keto diet limits the amount of carbohydrates you consume. Minimal energy is available from glucose, and the body resorts to burning fat. The fat is converted to ketones and the ketones fuel the body. With Keto diet, ketones are the main fuel source for the body. The result is fat burning. In a state of ketosis, individuals often report being able to feel the fat burning, a steady energy flow, increased awareness, and a sharp mental focus.

Ketogenic diet draws some similarities to other low carb diets including Atkins and Paleo. These low carb diets are more similar to a hunter gatherer diet in which carb consumption was limited to carbs found in fruits and vegetables.

Transitioning to Ketosis

To begin the ketogenic diet, you’ll need to plan ahead. This means having a diet plan already in place. Diet will largely determine how quickly you can enter into ketosis. The more carbohydrates restricted, the faster you will enter this state. Normally, anywhere between twenty and thirty grams of net carbohydrates is recommended for a daily Keto diet. The lower you keep glucose levels, the faster your results will be. Once you enter ketosis, the key to consistent fat and weight loss is commitment. Commitment and consistency with the diet will lead to RESULTS.

Net Carbohydrates Explained

To begin the diet, you first need to know what a net carbohydrate is. It’s simple. Net carbohydrates are carbohydrates minus fiber. For example, a cup or broccoli has six grams of carbohydrates in one cup. There are two grams of fiber in one cup. Therefore, take six grams and subtract out the two grams of fiber, this gives you a net carbohydrate of four grams per cup

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