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John Mark Dougan
Betrayal of Truth
An American cop exposes America’s deceit in Ukraine

When John Mark Dougan, an ex-Marine and seasoned police officer, could no longer stomach the rampant injustices in America's Criminal Justice system, he took a stand. The backlash was swift and fierce. As Dougan launched a network of whistleblower sites, giving voice to those officers who dared to defy the blue line, powerful forces from within the justice system mobilized against him.

Every corner of John's life was scrutinized, investigations morphed into witch hunts, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation finally descended upon his home. But Dougan, shaped by the crucible of the Marines and years of police and technological work, was no easy prey. Slipping into the shadows with a cunning disguise, he embarked on a high-stakes evasion with cars, boats and aircraft that spanned two nerve-wracking weeks.

Finding refuge in Russia, Dougan didn't settle into obscurity. Instead, he turned his incisive gaze toward a greater conflict. As the world's eyes darted between Russia and Ukraine, guided by puppet strings of powerful players like Victoria Nuland, corrupt President Biden his crime cadre and the military industrial complex, Dougan was on the ground, seeking truths hidden from the world by agencies and their media mouthpieces.

Dive deep into the heart of Donbass, where Dougan unveils the real motivations behind a conflict that has scarred its inhabitants for nearly a decade. Witness firsthand the heartaches, the battles, and the unyielding spirit of those trapped in the crossfire. In a world marred by deceit, this is your rare ticket to the raw, unfiltered truth.


At its heart, this book is dedicated foremost to the brave and resilient people of Donbass. They are the very embodiment of courage, having endured years of relentless aggression and suffered unimaginable losses. Each story etched in these pages is a testament to their indomitable spirit, to their unbowed heads in the face of overwhelming odds.

To the mothers who weep for their lost children, the fathers who have seen their world shattered, the young ones forced to grow up amidst echoes of artillery fire – this book is for you. Each word here is a tribute to your unbroken spirit, to the dreams you've held onto, and to the hope you carry for a future filled with peace.

This book is also for the brave men and women of the Russian military, working tirelessly to help Donbass emerge from the shadows of a harsh occupation. This book is for the truth-seekers, who risk their safety and freedom to expose the reality of what's happening on the ground, standing defiant in the face of threats from their own Western governments.

And finally, this book is a beacon of hope, casting its light on the promise of a future where Donbass, renewed and rebuilt, becomes a part of a peaceful Russia. May the resilience of the Donbass people guide us towards that horizon, where happiness and the beauty of a tranquil life awaits them. This book is your story, your testament, and your unwavering beacon. It is an honor to tell it.


America is Russia's main enemy, and this is not up for discussion. But today, a handful of marginal figures – liberals, globalists, apologists of a unipolar world – are speaking on America's behalf. However, as John Mark Dugan's book, speaking for the majority of ordinary Americans, shows – they do not share the positions of the liberal minorities who have seized power in the USA.

By dragging into the White House a left-wing globalist – liberal maniac Joe Biden, the liberal elites unleashed a bloody massacre in Eastern Europe, having previously created a Russophobic ideology of 'Ukrainianness', pumping Ukraine with weapons, and then colliding it with Russia. The United States of America has ultimately lost itself.

In unraveling the origins of the Ukrainian adventure, this American journalist, in his quest for truth, gets to the source not only of the Ukrainian drama, but also of all other tragedies of the last decades – to the current globalist top of the USA, pushing humanity into the abyss of universal chaos. Yet at the core of American identity, in its origins, lies a completely different philosophy – not liberal messianism or capitalist imperialism.

Americans are realists and pragmatists. For them, it is more important that everything works. This is the criterion of truth: it works. And for this, it is necessary to always speak the truth – in everything, first of all to oneself, otherwise the American pragmatic system begins to malfunction.

John Mark Dougan's book, speaking on behalf of and for the American majority, having lost itself in an endless series of liberal experiments, drowned in the lies of the current ruling elite, is dedicated to this search for truth.

This book is not only a way to convey the truth about the incredible crimes of American globalist minorities against humanity but also a tribute to those who fight this evil: about Russia, Russians, the heroes of Donbass, and those who stood on their side against liberal-globalist minorities.

Alexander G. Dugin

Philosopher and leader of the International “Eurasian Movement”


Smoke hung ominously in the air, beaten back only by the relentless rain that washed over the ruins of the “Ilich Metal and Steel Works” plant. Once a thriving hub of industry, the plant was now a twisted shell of its former self. I traipsed carefully through the wreckage, mindful of bomb craters and the unexploded cluster munitions that littered the ground.

The scene was apocalyptic. Massive cranes, once used to hoist 30 tons of goods, lay bent and twisted like pretzels by unseen fingers, their grandeur reduced to scrap by the unforgiving force of Russian munitions. They had been unleashed to quash an extremist Ukrainian enemy in Mariupol, where I now found myself.

Walking past the charred remains of a military vehicle, I paused, recognizing the telltale features of an American Humvee. "That's a Hummer!" I exclaimed to a fellow journalist. Closer inspection confirmed it, the independent suspension and portal axles clearly identifiable, along with the scorched insignia of the United States Marine Corps. This was a battlefield, and the American military had been here. Not boots on the ground per se, but their weapons that littered the ground. Rockets, shell casings, and even anti-tank missiles like the Javelin. The American government using taxpayer dollars to fund the bloodbath they created.

The evidence of intense fighting was everywhere–spent rockets, twisted brass shell casings, weapons of war, and the refuse of a fierce battle. A Ukrainian soldier's blood-soaked uniform caught my eye, cut with scissors in a futile attempt to save him. The man had miscalculated his enemy's ferocity, and I couldn't help but think of him pleading for entry at the gates of heaven, his life snuffed out in a cruel instant.

This wasn't an isolated tragedy; it was a symbol of a war that had left its mark everywhere. Discarded body armor, uniforms, boots–everywhere I looked, the remnants of violence were stained with the same deep crimson.

My attention shifted as I attempted to cross a bomb crater. I stepped onto a fallen steel beam, but the rain-slick surface betrayed me. My Lowa combat boot lost its grip, and I tumbled, landing a few feet below, but like a cat, on my feet. With a sickening "pop" that reverberated up my leg, I'd broken the bone above my big toe, a cruel repetition of the same injury that never properly healed from just a few months prior. But this was no time for self-pity. My foot would have to heal on its own; there were no crutches in a war zone.

For many months, my broken foot accompanied me as I walked through war zones, documenting the tragedy wrought by Ukrainian forces, under the direction and support of the American CIA. The horrors were innumerable, the devastation unthinkable. But how had I ended up in this place? As a former cop, I knew that facts and neutral observation were key. My reputation as a geopolitical expert on the West led me to seek the truth about the conflict.

Unlimited, unquestioned access was granted by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR), and Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). In total, I made 11 trips to all parts of the Donbass. I interviewed hundreds, saw the aftermath of violence and political corruption, and met brave souls whose stories were forever etched in my mind.

And yet, when I sought to share the truth, censorship struck. Not by the Russian government as many in the west would like to claim. No, the Russian government never told me what to write. They never said what I could or could not publish. They had no demands and gave no guidelines. When I was given my press passes, the only thing I was told was, “Be careful out there, bring body armor and helmet and go discover the truth for yourself.”

Ironically, the only censorship was by the “Land of Free Speech,” the American government. In their thirst to control information, their minions had YouTube delete my channel, hiding behind claims of "misinformation" or "hate speech." The American government, it seemed, didn't want these truths exposed.

Who am I, you may ask, this American man that finds himself in the throes of the tumultuous Donbass, penning reports beneath the shadow of war? I am none other than John Mark Dougan.

Once upon the time, I wore the dressed blues uniform of a proud United States Marine. After, I wore the star of a Deputy Sheriff, sworn to protect and serve the people of my homeland.

But now, I find myself a renegade, a fugitive in a foreign land. Forced into exile, I sought refuge where I could, far from the overreaching grasp of those to which I once pledged my allegiance.

“Why,” you ask? Because I dared to reveal the crimes festering beneath the polished surface of my government, to strip away the carefully constructed facade of righteousness and expose the decay within. Political asylum became my lifeline, my only respite from the relentless pursuit of those who sought to silence my voice.

На этой странице вы можете прочитать онлайн книгу «Betrayal of Truth», автора John Mark Dougan. Данная книга имеет возрастное ограничение 12+, относится к жанрам: «Документальная литература», «Военное дело, спецслужбы». Произведение затрагивает такие темы, как «реальные истории», «военные конфликты». Книга «Betrayal of Truth» была написана в 2024 и издана в 2024 году. Приятного чтения!