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Rabbit’s tale of funny tricks
Based on folk tales
Irene Vinogradova

Illustrator Irene Vinogradova

Translator Irene Vinogradova

© Irene Vinogradova, 2017

© Irene Vinogradova, illustrations, 2017

© Irene Vinogradova, translation, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-9541-7

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


The years on the Earth I lived a lot, fairy tales in my life heard a lot – magic and not so magic, scary and not so scary, good and not so good. And on all continents of the globe there were stories how as if animals collected around as if a bonfire and told as if tales, but in fact, our ancestors gathered at the tribal campfire and told stories about their (or someone else’s) lives, putting on the characters the masks of different animals. Often these stories were similar to each other like twins, because many events repeated from year to year, from century to century, from a book to a book. But that’s not important now: a long time ago, in the days when animals could talk and understand each other’s language, the Earth was small and the sea surrounded it all around, and from any forest it was possible to walk to any sea, there gathered around the campfire the Rabbit, the Elephant, the Whale swam to the shore, and they got to talking. I sat and listened – this time the Rabbit, the most talkative character in the world, amused all the company with his fiction. His tales were retold many times in different parts of the world by different people; I offer you my version of the happened. Author

Once upon a time and maybe yesterday,
And maybe a year ago, I really don’t know,
A huge grey Elephant was very tired
And he decided to sleep
On the sandy hill
Completely covered with strawberries
And dandelions.
And when he started looking his first dream,
Somebody lightly pinched the leg of him,
Although very lightly!

But everybody knows,
It isn’t very easy to wake up
Any elephant while looking any dreams,
But somebody did pinched him
And said, “Excuse me please!”
“Who is there?” cried the Elephant,
As frightened very loudly.
“Who is there? I am sleeping and
You have spoiled my dreams!”
“Excuse me, dear Elephant,
I didn’t’ want to worry you,
Your leg has blocked my hole,
I cannot be released.
And maybe you’ll be able
To move aside your leg?
I would be very grateful,
My hole is so narrow
For me it would be difficult
To turn around myself
And run along it back!”
The Elephant agreed to let him go out,
Amazingly he saw the hole in the ground.

A soft and little bunny jumped out of the hole,
He jolted his long ear as if there were some dirt,
“You are as huge as an elephant!
You are as grey as mice,” said the little Rabbit
Wiping dust from laughing eyes.
“I’m huge,” replied the Elephant.
“I’m grey and very strong,
And you are just a bunny
And nothing more at all.”
“Am I just a bunny?”
“Yes, you are.”
“Am I just a weak bunny?”
“And I bet that I’m stronger
Than you in your best form?
I bet I’ll pull you out
From your bed so warm,
And you will not be able
To say me even “no’.

Of course not just with bare hands,
But if I tie a rope around your big belly,
And run away behind the hills,
And then I pull you stronger,

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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