bud yet guarantee a flower. He was conscious of the pr...➤ MyBook

Цитата из книги «Tender is the night / Ночь нежна. Книга для чтения на английском языке»

bud yet guarantee a flower. He was conscious of the print of her wet foot on a rug through the bathroom door. “Miss Television,” he said with a lightness he did not feel. He put his gloves, his brief-case on the dressing-table, his stick against the wall. His chin dominated the lines of pain around his mouth, forcing them up into his forehead and the corner of his eyes, like fear that cannot be shown in public. “Come and sit on my lap close to me,” he said softly, “and let me see about your lovely mouth.” She came over and sat there and while the dripping slowed down outside – drip – dri-i-ip, she laid her lips to the beautiful cold image she had created
27 февраля 2020
